02. sweet tooth

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November 26th

Mom jeans were Winnie's favorite. Today she decided on wearing a pair as it was Saturday. It was also a Hogsmeade day and she was overjoyed to make a trip to Honeydukes and the Three Broomsticks with her friends. She was feeling the Christmas spirit, as December was next week, so she decided to dress the part. Warm fuzzy socks with kittens in Christmas hats were on her feet, though no one could see since she was wearing boots. Tucked into her mom jeans was a red sweater with a little embroidered Santa hat her grandmother had made her. She wore Christmas tree earrings to match and a gold chain of stars on her neck. Her makeup was natural as usual and her hair was down as well. A gray knitted hat sat atop her head matching the color of her long coat wrapped around her. Her hufflepuff scarf was around her neck and warm mittens covered her hands.

Her purse was a small black backpack and it was the last item she grabbed before exiting her room to go meant Poppy, Clara, and Johnathan in the common room. Winnie was excited, she loved Hogsmeade. A big smile was on her face as she ran over and crashed into Johnathan. He looked over in shock before realizing it was her and then pulled her into his side. Her smile widened as she rested her hand on his chest and looked to her two other friends. People outside their group commonly make the mistake of thinking Winnie and Johnathan are a thing. But they are so very wrong. The whole friend group now knows that Johnathan is gay, but they are the only ones. He first came out to Winnie in second year, since then they had been very close and told each other everything. The two young teens promised to never judge each other, and they would stand by that until the end.

"Ready for Honeydukes?" Clara asked, pulling her hat securely on her head, a smile painting her face. Winnie scoffed and pushed off of Johnathan.

Winnie quickly grabbed Clara's gloved hand and began yanking her towards the door, "Is that even a question? Come on guys, I need to refill my candy stash!" Winnie says, the two others following closely behind. Winnie began skipping down the stairs with Clara in tow, Poppy and Johnathan laughing at their heels. On the stairs across the way from them, Draco, Blaise, and Theodore are on their way down to Hogsmeade as well.

A loud laugh fills the staircase as a girl's voice calls out, "Slow down you two, you act like you've never had candy before!" More laughter ensues causing Draco to snap his head over to the sound of happiness, ready to diminish the attitudes of the group it was coming from. The telltale brown waves caught his eyes first before he even noticed the other three. He stares at them, wondering what it was like to run through halls without a care in the world and enjoy yourself, not stopping and thinking of the consequences. Theo and Blaise's eyes land on the group as well, they weren't bullies in the same regard as Draco, but there were still sarcastic Slytherins.

"I like my caramels, Poppy! And someone decided to steal the rest of mine!" Winnie says loudly, glaring at the red head for a moment before turning back around and jumping the last two steps with Clara still in tow. Draco lost all desire to ruin the group's mood, after all, he did owe Winifred for letting him get almost a perfect score on the astronomy test.

Theodore watches the group walk in front of them down the halls with a smirk. "I could give Winifred Monet something other than a caramel to suck on, that's for sure," He chuckles. Blaise and Draco laugh along with him and shake their heads. Blaise bites his lip and eyes the group.

"That redhead, Poppy Crue, has to have experience like just look at that body." Blaise says, gesturing to the taller girl in the group. Draco shakes his head in disagreement and slapping Blaise in the side.

"No way, it's always the quiet ones. Kneed definitely is the most experienced." Draco says, making sure to keep his voice down. The three boys contemplate it, before agreeing he's probably right.

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