04. a library study date

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December 3rd

Draco woke up late the next morning, but it was Saturday so he didn't mind. To any other person, 8:30 was not late, but Draco was a special type of person. He didn't fall asleep until about two in the morning, the pit in his stomach only growing. He was conflicted. Studying with Winnie would most likely help him, but if anyone found out and it got to his father he would be returning from Christmas break with more bruises than usual. The feeling in his body when he was near her was also instilling worry within his mind. He hadn't wanted to be near someone this much since his crush in third year on a fifth year named Jenna.

While getting ready for the day, Blaise still snoring away from the other side of the room, Draco battled with himself internally. He tucked his green button up into his pants and made sure he looked presentable. Most kids didn't bother dressing so nicely on the weekends, but Draco had a reputation to withhold. Draco made his way to the Great Hall ans sat at the Slytherin table next to some randoms he wasn't friends with. The Great Hall was relatively empty, seeing as though it was a Saturday and breakfast was extended until 10:30 anyways. Draco grabbed a piece of toast and unconsciously looked over to the Hufflepuff table. He realized who he was scanning for when his eyes landed on the red headed girl and Johnathan eating waffles with their hands. He wondered why she wasn't at breakfast, figuring she probably was asleep.

He was right, Winnie laid fast asleep under her fluffy Christmas blanket with a reindeer on it. This morning, she gripped her big teddy bear tightly to her chest, one leg swung over it. She was breathing heavily as a dream painted its way through her mind. It wasn't exactly a nightmare, but the threat of the dark lord made her uneasy even in her sleep.

Draco didn't know what to do. What he did know, was that hot chocolate was probably his new favorite thing and he was now wishing he paid more attention to how she made it.

After eating a light breakfast, he made his way back to the Slytherin common room in hopes of finding Theo, Blaise, Crabbe, or Goyle. It was a Saturday so there was really nothing to do and even though he should start on his homework he wasn't going to. Much to his dismay, the only person he found as the big stone door opened up for him was Pansy. He tried to make a b line for the stairs that lead to the boys dormitories but she had already spotted him.

"Oh, Draco! Good morning," She said in her annoying high pitched voice. Draco gave her the biggest fake smile he could manage and walked towards her, knowing he couldn't escape now. She stood up and it allowed Draco to take in her outfit completely. She looked... trashy, despite it all being designer. Her jeans were extremely tight and had more holes than fabric and her belt was pulled way too tight. Her shirt hugged her body so much it looked bad. It was white and long sleeved and showed her dark pink bra underneath.

"Good morning, Pansy," Draco says before his neck is grabbed viciously and is pulled into Pansy's hungry lips. Draco kisses back, one hand holding her waist loosely. This was not the simple good morning kiss Draco was expecting because when he tried to pull away he was only yanked back to Pansy. He made a noise of surprise and his eyes snapped wide open. Draco hated the fact that she was trying to have a full on make out session with him in the common room where so many others could see. He placed both hands on the front of her waist ans pushed her back and off of him. He internally vomits at the pout on her face.

She walks up close to him and plays with the collar of his shirt and he stands rigidly. "Drakey, you don't want to kiss me?" Pansy asks in a seductive manner. Draco almost insults her, but he knows his father would have his head for that.

"Just not in front of everyone else," Draco says, removing her hand from his collar. Pansy rolls her eyes and then grabs his hand and begins leading him to her room. But Draco thanks the universe as Theodore appears in the common room from the boys dorms and calls out to Draco.

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