07. make father proud

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December 10th

to my only son,

  Draco, it has come to my attention that some of your grades are slipping. Remember that if you end the term with anything less than outstandings in every subject, this house will no longer be made to feel like your home. If your mother was not here, I would tell you to find a new home but I must keep her happy. I will not tell you again, fix your grades or you're off to Durmstrang where they are sure to straighten you out.
  I am more than upset to discover your grades are not the only thing I am disappointed in. Dolores Umbridge has informed me of your hesitations to carry out your duties in the Inquisitorial Squad. It's time to grow up Draco, you will be sixteen in six months. Umbridge believes you are vital in the reform of Hogwarts, and you will regret it if you make her change her mind. Do not fail me, Draco. Do not continue to be a disgrace to the Malfoy name.
  Worst of all, I come to learn you are associating yourself with a muggle born! A grimy little girl who is part of everything we go against. How dare you? I did not expect much from you when you entered Hogwarts, it was clear you'd be a coward, but I never expected you to betray me this way. How could you be so foolish to let Parkinson find out especially? She is a wonderful, very beautiful, pure blood young lady. She is your girlfriend, and will one day be your wife. It is final, her father and I have made the agreement already. Get rid of the pathetic muggle born girl, or you will regret returning home for Christmas.

-L. Malfoy

  Draco physically shakes with anger. He throws the letter to the ground of his dorm and picks up his desk chair. The chair leaves his hands, hurling at the mirror in the corner with intensity. "Fuck!" He roars out, his face flushing. His right hand curls into a fist before launching it into the wall.

  His eyes find the picture of him and his father from the year before at the Quidditch World Cup. A strangled scream releases from Draco's throat as he picks up the frame and throws it against the wall.

  He doesn't take the time to watch it smash. Instead, he's yanking at his tie ferociously as he suddenly feels like it's constricting his breathing. It's flung across the room and he slams his hands on to his desk. He tries to take a deep breath and calm down, but his eyes land on the family portrait. Him and his mother standing close, while his father stood at a slight distance. He had beat them both that day, both wearing extensive glamour charms for the photos.

  He grits his teeth before grabbing the edge of his desk and flipping it sideways. Everything spills off of it onto the ground and then he's punching the wall again. He turns, yanking all his bedding off his bed and throwing it behind him. His side of the room is destroyed but he makes no move to clean it up.

  Draco inhales, taking deep, labored breaths before flinging open his dorm and marching out. Anyone could tell Draco was furious, and thankfully most got the hint to move out of his way when he got close.

  He didn't know where he was heading, but he just wanted to be away from everyone. It was the beginning of dinner on a Friday night so most students were out of the corridors anyway. The door leading up to the astronomy tower came into his view, and Draco decided there was no other place he wanted to be right then than where everything was peaceful and serene.

  His long legs made the trip up the stairs easy. It was just past six so the sun had already set and the temperatures were freezing. He probably should've brought a coat, but maybe he deserved to freeze. He walked closer to the edge, gazing up at the star filled sky. He could see why Winnie loved them so much at that point.


  Winnie sat at her and Draco's table with her potions book open. They had studied together every night that week starting at 7pm and today was supposed to be the same. Winnie sighed, checking the clock once again. It was 7:24. She told herself he probably forgot and just got caught up with his friends.

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