01. a difficult astronomy test

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November 25

  Soft sunlight creeps through the windows of the Hufflepuff dormitories and casts a shadow over a particular teen girl's sleeping frame. A soft pink blanket with cherries on it engulfs the girl with her soft brown waves spread across her pillow. A big purple teddy bear rests in the corner of the bed, its fake fur moving slightly with every exhale from her soft, pink, slightly chapped lips. The dinging of the roommates shared alarm clock begins, causing the red head across the room to groan and sit up. As per usual, Winifred Monet does not stir from the sound of their alarm. The red head, Poppy Crue, pushes herself out of her bed and staunters over to her best friend's side, slamming the alarm off in the process.

    "Winnie, it's time to get up." Poppy mumbles, grabbing her best friend and shaking her a little. Winnie's brown eyes flutter open and she's immediately blinded with sunlight. She blinks a few times before rubbing her eyes and propping herself up on her elbows. Poppy takes that as a sign that Winnie will actually get up, so she turns back to her side of their small dorm to gather her things for the day. Winnie sat up with a huff, her baggy, Christmas themed t-shirt hanging off her body and her fuzzy socks landing on the floor beneath her. She stood up, stretching and walking to her drawer with a yawn.

    "Ready for the Astronomy test today, Winnie?" Poppy asks, pulling out a crisp white shirt from her wardrobe. Poppy was always the morning friend out of the two, Winnie would love to sleep in all day but of course the structure of school did not allow her to do that. Winnie nods, not awake enough to respond fully. Poppy begins pulling on her clothes since she took a shower the night before and Winnie makes her way to the bathroom. Winnie slips into the shower, letting the warm water coat her body before she lathers herself in her lemongrass body soap and washes her hair with her coconut scented shampoo. Her shower wasn't long, she knew they had to be down to breakfast soon, so she quickly slipped on her uniform that consisted of her black skirt, white button down shirt, her hufflepuff tie, and her knee high white socks and black flats. Quickly she brushed out her hair and put in a product her mother sent her from her home town in the muggle world to keep it less frizzy. She applied deodorant and her pound cake scented perfume before putting on clear mascara, light pink shimmery lip gloss and lightly filling in her brows. She walked out of the bathroom to find Poppy sitting on her now made bed in her uniform.

    "Ready?" Winnie asks, slipping a pair of snowflake earrings into her ears. Poppy looks up from arranging her bag and nods. Winnie bends down to grab her robe and black cross body bag as Poppy stands up. After double checking she has her wand, the two girls exit their dorm and walk down the stairs into their common room where their other friends are waiting to make their way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

    Winnie smiles and laughs with the group of girls as they walk the halls of the castle, she refused to believe when people told her she was pretty but the multiple boys who tried to get her attention would believe otherwise. Winnie was never interested in relationships after her third year when she developed a not so great ending crush on Gryffindor who was two years older than her. She was an obsessed 13 year old and was overly nice to the Gryffindor boy for four months. She had hopes until she had heard he told his friends she was weird and soon all the fifth years were making fun of her.

    Despite what she thought, Winnie was pretty. Her dark waves fell to her shoulders and her chocolate brown eyes always sparkled. She had naturally pink lips, her bottom lip slightly bigger than her top, and her nose was small and fit her chubby cheeks well. She was only about 5'3" and wasn't exactly skinny. Her hips were wider set, her stomach was not flat, her thighs rubbed together whenever she walked (thank God for spandex and baby powder), and her breasts and bottom complimented her figure nicely. The permanent smile on her lips displayed her white teeth that were extremely straight thanks to 3 years of braces. She was gorgeous, and her friends were amazed at how she was single.

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