Te Hihi Inter zone

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Again another overcast Thursday morning. It was again raining the past night and a bit of the following morning. Our school participates were there again at 9:00 sharp. There were a lot more schools then the following races . I was in this predicament last year, with all the people counting on you to do well at these events. We had the option of going around the course again, we chose not to because it was the same as last week.

As per usual we were the first year group to be let go. This time we weren't in a line. Again same tactic, sprint the first sraight,  then pace myself from there. But after the first lap I was in 2nd. I couldn't even see the other person in first! So I just tried to hold my position in 2nd. I came round teh last turn with the crowd encouraging me to the finish. I had done it I was going to Auckland champs on Wednesday next week!

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