Chapter 1 *Emma's POV*

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        I slowly woke up from my peaceful slumber. I felt really groggy and felt every pound hold me to my bed. This was always how I felt after some hardcore internetting. I glanced over  at the clock, trying to move as little as possible. It read 10:00 in bright red letters. I groaned and shoved my face back into my pillow. Usually, my sleep schedule entailed of me sleeping until my mom woke me up at 12:30 but today I actually had to leave the comfort of my bed.

        It was the first week of summer and this year my mom decided to send me off to some summer camp. She said it would be good for me and I would make some new friends. I didn't want to meet new friends. Not that I was capable anyway. Eventually, I forced myself to get up to pack. How do i even pack for a whole summer? I put all the clothes that I thought would be socially acceptable in to one bag and all of my valuables in another. My mom walked in and started dictating what i could and couldnt bring, as if it was some kind of art. After she left, I put back some things she told me wouldn't be necessary like my laptop because, for the sake of my isanity, they were necessary.

        Within a half an hour, I was out the door and my mom was driving me to camp. It was the longest car ride of my life. My mind was full of thoughts. What if I embarass myself? What if I'm picked to do something in front of everyone? What if one of my out of control alters comes out? I knew that some of these were innevitable and sure to happen but what was I supposed to do when they did? My mind kept creating these scenarios until the car pulled into a dirt parking lot.

        I said goodbye to my mom and made my way to the front gate with my two bags. The minute I saw her car drive away I felt trapped and stranded. For a few seconds I even considered running into the woods to avoid the whole thing...yay anxiety! A few hours I stood by the front gate, or was it minutes, studying the field in which hundreds of kids were gathered. They looked so intimidating. I was lost in my train of thought about how this whole thing was gonna play out  when I felt the familiar sinking feeling in my stomach.

        I tried to fight it but it was just too strong. My mind clouded over and i started to feel a happy and excited feeling. I instinctively knew that Christina, my younger alter, was in control. Just then, a tall gruff looking guy in white shorts and a plain orange t-shirt walked up to me. "Hi there!"  he said slighlty leaning down to match my height. Wow, what GREAT timing this guy has! Well, I guess there's nothing to do but hope she doesn't do anything too bad. "Hi!" i felt myself say and smile widely against my will.

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