Forgotten Times

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"And what this Muhiras* crime today?" Bhishma asked Vidhura, without taking his stern gaze from Suyodhana.

*Muhira - a fool, rascal.

Before Vidhura could reply, Kunti stormed into the room, accompanied by Dhaumya and a few other Priests. Vidhura could see Bhishma was annoyed by this unceremonious interruption. He should have warned the Grand Regent. Vidhura knew the Priests, under Dhaumya's leadership, had gone to Kunti. What he had not expected was that Kunti would accompany them to see Bhishma.

Dhaumya opened his bundle of complaints against Kripa. Bhishma listened to them in growing impatience. Finally, he responded that it was a free country; that everyone had the right to believe what they wished to; and to preach it as well. If a great scholar like Vyasa* appreciated young men like Kripa and Carvaka, he, Bhishma, was too humble a man to judge otherwise. The Priests could, of course, go to Kripa and show him the scriptural authenticity of what they preached, such as caste, idol worship, rituals, Brahmin worship and so on, and convince him about the correctness of their arguments.

*Vyasa - Title given to the greatest of all Scholars; Dwaipayana is the current Vyasa.

At this masterly disposition, a smile tugged at Vidhura's lips and this infuriated Kunti further. "Pitamaha*, the men you name are destroying our dharma."

*Pitamaha - GrandSire; Bhishma is atleast three generation older than Kunti.

Bhishma turned his steady gaze on Kunti. "Daughter, our dharma is sanathana*. They cannot destroy it. No man can. They are merely redefining it to suit our times. Dharma keeps evolving to suit the needs of people in different ages. Some may even say it is our own Priests who are destroying dharma, by stifling it and misinterpreting our scriptures. However, I am not a scholar like Vyasa, Kripa, or even Carvaka. I am only a warrior. With my limited knowledge and common sense, I agree with Kripa... though perhaps not with Carvaka. This is my personal belief. I do not impose it on anyone else. You too, have the right to believe whatever you wish. I will not allow anyone to trample on your rights. If Kripa stops people from giving donations to Priests through logical discourse, I have nothing to say for you too can go out and convince people to ignore Kripa and ensure they come to you instead. That is between you and Kripa. Come to me if Kripa stops people from going to the temple forcibly. Then he will know that Hastinapura's soldiers and jails exist for a reason. This applies to all of you. If someone hurts Kripa or Carvaka, the same rules apply."

*Sanathana - Constant

"But Pitamaha..." Kunti began to protest. Vidhura quickly began arranging the palm leaves on Bhishma's table. He did not want her to see his smile. He knew what was coming.

"Kunti, do not waste your time and mine with such frivolous matters. You have five children to rear. If you are interested in politics, why not help your brother-in-law with governance? This is not an easy country to rule, even for a sighted man."

Kunti and the gaggle of Priests walked out in anger.

Bhishma looked at Suyodhana, standing to one side with his eyes on the ground, trying to hide his anger and shame. "Son, the truth always prevails. Look it in the face."

Vidhura had dragged Suyodhana to Bhishma just a little while earlier. The second Pandava Prince, Bhima, had broken the right hand of the Kuru Prince, Vikarna. The boy had dared to call Bhima 'Fatso' and paid the price. Vikarna's howls of pain had brought Suyodhana and Sushasana onto the scene. This had resulted in a fistfight in which Bhima thrashed them both. Later, Suyodhana and Sushasana had hidden in the dark and caught Bhima unawares. They could have murdered Bhima had Vidhura not come upon them and dragged them to Bhishma. Kunti had dragged away her son.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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