Last Epilogue

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Notes: First of all, thank you for reading. This will be the last epilogue and my last story for Dooly once and for all. Sometimes I regret I couldn't generate much buzz with my writing, but it has been my greatest pleasure writing for this fandom, and I'm glad to be of service. Thank you to a handful of you who has been relentlessly encouraging, and this last epilogue is for you, you know who you are. (; I hope you have enjoyed this very ordinary post canon story, as much as I enjoyed penning this for Dooly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. <3 

Se-ri waddles out from the bathroom for the millionth time, muttering complaints under her breath, a look of discomfort etched on her face. Their bedroom is filled with the lovely fragrance of the lavender scented candle Jeong-hyuk had lighted, and yet it doesn't seem to be able to dissipate her irritation.

Her eyes falls on him, who is tucking Eun-a to sleep in her crib (finally after an hour of wrestling), the dim lights casting shadows on his angular visage, looking absolutely tantalising, and an idea blossoms in her head. Padding to him with slight difficulty, her swollen stomach too huge for her dainty frame, she reaches for the waistband of his sweat pants at the same time he turns around to face her, teasingly tugging at it.

"I thought you're tired," Jeong-hyuk tilts his head down to look at Se-ri, fingers gently brushing the side of her dark tresses away.

"I'm never too tired for you," she smiles coquettishly, a mischievous glint in her half-moon eyes.

Honestly, she's done being pregnant - the heartburn, her backaches, swollen ankles, the uncomfortable, sleepless nights with an energetic baby. Besides, this is killing two birds with one stone, an opportunity her business-minded persona wouldn't give up.

A faint smirk appears on his handsome face as he presses his lips on her forehead, his hands sliding down her back. Expertly, he exerts the right amount of pressure at the taut muscles of the small of her back with his nimble fingers, her aching body relaxing at his tender touch, making her keen in pleasure.

Just as she's about to wrap her arms around his neck to capture his mouth with hers, Se-ri catches sight of their reflection at the floor length mirror perched at the corner of the room.

She freezes, insecure thoughts invading her mind.

Ever apt in recognising the slightest change in her emotions, Jeong-hyuk frowns. "What's wrong?" he cups her face, willing her to look at him, his gentle eyes boring in hers in search for an answer.

"I look like a small house," Se-ri groans, her gaze traveling from him back to the mirror.

Jeong-hyuk turns his head to look at the mirror, but all he sees is the beautiful image of his wife staring right back at him, the large swell of her stomach protruding proudly from beneath her silk nightgown.

"I think you look beautiful," he offers with a chuckle, eyeing her from head to toe.

"Liar," she scowls at his smirk.

With furrowed brows, he ponders for a moment, thinking hard. "Well...," Jeong-hyuk steels his nerves. In for a penny, in for a pound. In the end, it doesn't especially matter if she decides to ignore him for the rest of the night, because he has to try to comfort her anyway. So, he slides behind her and loops his arms around her. Resting his chin on the top of her head, he frames the baby bump with his large palms.

"You have someone staying inside of you," he blurts out, eyes gleaming with amusement.

She heaves out a sigh. "You're terrible at this Ri Jeong-hyuk -ssi," Se-ri says flatly, glaring at him through the mirror.

"You even have a small doorbell," he continues innocently, teasingly poking her protruding navel through the thin fabric of her nightdress.

"Ya!" Se-ri nudges him with her elbow, her glower intensifying, and he winces, pretty sure he would end up sleeping on the couch tonight.

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