Chapter 1

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Harry- I sit there alone in my bed as I write down everything I need to do

1. Do something for myself for once - decide to change my hair colour, get my eyes fixed, get some clothes for myself, so I don't wear my cousin clothes anymore

2. Make a mutual agreement between my aunt, uncle and cousin - do this so I don't get hurt by then

3. Get a job or two - so I can pay for my keep to have a house over my head for the next two months before going back to Hogwarts

4. Keep myself healthy - start eating good and start exercising to keep myself fit

5. Quit quidditch - I wasn't even doing it for myself but other peoples pleasure because why risk my life over a game

6. Look After self - as well as the food and exercise think for myself, find and keep everything is positive around you instead of thinking negative or keeping everything negative in my life because negativity isn't healthy at all

7. Get help - I am falling into depression and thinking negative things, so need help maybe Mrs Hays can help with that after all she did take a degree because she originally wanted to be a therapist but decided to be a counselor instead

8. Contact Some People - need to know reason behind this was and want them to answer all my questions

I hum to myself as I mumble "that will be it for now, will be more later" I look up at the clock seeing it is time to go downstairs. I get up doing my business in the bathroom before going downstairs and getting everything ready.

I look up when hearing my aunts with the follow of my uncle footsteps coming downstairs and towards the kitchen which I am within. I luckily I had everything prepared before they came down because don't want any of them to be mad with me.

I smile when they come in "will you be having breakfast with your son or just your two?"

Vernon- I raise my eyebrow but shocked at the politeness "just us two"

Harry- I nod "then I shall have his prepared before he come down then, what would you like to drink?"

Petunia- "a cup of tea please"

Vernon- "a cup of coffee for me"

Harry- "milk and sugar?"

Petunia- "one sugar and a little milk please"

Vernon- "milk and three sugars please"

Harry- I nod and getting there order for them. I allowed them to eat and served Dudley who was too shocked when he came down from his breakfast. Once everything was cleaned away once they were all done. Dudley went out with his friends, Uncle Vernon went to work and Aunt Petunia is within the living reading the news paper with the tv on  in the back ground. I go in there when I am done and sit down in the chair near him "I would like to speak to you please Aunt Petunia"

Petunia- I look up and close the news paper wondering what the boy has to say "go on"

Harry- "I wish to pay my keep once I get a job during the two keeps I am off, but with this I wish for no physical, emotional and Psychological abuse towards me at all that includes your husband and son"

Petunia- I hum "well I am okay with this but I will have to speak with Vernon about this"

Harry- I nod "alright" I say before getting on with my chores which I won't be doing for any longer once getting a job


Vernon- I hum "I agree with this, you get a job to pay for you keep but we get half to money you keep the rest as for chores you won't be doing them anymore unless your my pet here needs help and no more hurting or anything"

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