Chapter 13

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A few months later

Harry- I walk into Gringotts "you wanted to see me?"

Griphook- "come this way your majesty"

Harry- "what's going on?"

Griphook- "you will have to wait and see young prince"

Severus- "he's not in trouble is he?"

Griphook- "he definitely is not" I open his office after knocking on it

Ragnok- "please come in"

Harry- I come and see Queen Elizabeth making me bow "you majesty"

Queen Elizabeth- I smile "please stand up young prince, and please can you and your family sit"

Harry- I go over and sit down "not to sound rude or anything but what are you doing here your majesty"

Queen Elizabeth- "please I am your grandmother, no calling me your majesty"

Harry- "but how am I...?"

Severus- "she's my mother"

Harry and Sirius- we look to him "wait what?"

Severus- "the prince name come from my father side of the family that's why I got that as a last in my line as well as the Windsor blood line which passed down to you and probably your sisters too"

Queen- "he was certainly was a surprise bot because I wasn't expecting I didn't even know I was pregnant because I showed no signs even wasn't gaining much weight either, he too was a small baby and found out about him when I went into labour, I new what was happening obviously but I didn't know about him at all. He named him Severus Windsor but when I found out about his magic which I adored him for because even royal has one magical child I too an magic" I pull out my wand "but I kept him a secret, you see he was a powerful child from the very start he left my body, doing magic straight away and he didn't have control of it even though sometimes it looked like he did, if someone found about him like when I show my new born child well let's just say his magic would of acted up and so many people would know about our world which is dangerous, it would cause many dangerous wars that I and other truly wish to never and not happen, we have already had enough already. I gave him a last name, he was happy that no one knew about him plus he wanted a normal life anyway, so I allowed him that because did ask him when he was older if I wanted to introduce him to the world and he said no"

Harry- "but why are you here?"

Queen- "because the wizardry world need a king"

Harry- "and that's my mother?"

Queen- I shake my head "no, it's you"

Harry- "why me though why not my mother or someone else?"

Queen- "because I have been keeping an eye on the magcial realm and let's just say it need a king or queen, there hasn't been one since King Salazar who helped to build Hogwarts with his lover Godric Gryffindor and his two best friend Lady Ravenclaw and Lady Hufflepuff, so mainly he had a normal life at the same time as being king while also being a headmaster with the other three too being headmasters and mistresses while also being Professors at the same time"

Harry- "so you want me King so I can control it because it's chaos"

Queen- I nod "pretty much"

Harry- "how will I know if I am good enough"

Queen- I hum "I know that feel and many more but look at me now, queen and everything"

Harry- "so how does this work?"


Queen- "I present you King Harry Black-Snape-Windsor, King to Scotland and others around the world"

Harry- I come out seeing the muggle cheering all around and probably some Magical seeing as see wanted some to come including reporters so everyone in the magical world will know but I am not just the king on the english on but all around the whole world of magical people.

Queen- "now you see I kept a secret son in hiding, let's just say I didn't know I was pregnant at the time didn't show signs of it or growth at all, now welcome my son Severus Black-Snape-Windsor"

Severus- I come out making sure the glamour around my stomach is in place so none of the muggle can see my pregnant stomach. I hear cheering for me to as I come out standing between my mother and son

Queen- "I know he should be King but he chose his son to be, you see I gave Severus a normal life away from all the royalty it was mine as well as his chose to do so when he was old enough to understand, I sent him away to boarding school which he now works at as a Chemistry professor and even teaches his son and soon his daughter, so I hope you will respect all his and his family privacy even though I going to think you aren't with King Harry here, so please welcome King Harry into our world and see him as your own"


Neville- "fucking hell Harry's now a king and has Windsor aka royal blood within him this whole time"

Seamus- "wait what?" I come over reading his should "shitting Hell he is"

Dean- "well seems like we have a royal friend now, hope nothing changes between us all just because he is now king"

Neville- "it says he still is going to take his education where he is now, so Hogwarts while still being king but take his role seriously when finishing school"

Dean- "it makes sense all royals these days now had education at colleges, Universities and everything now, wonder if he is going to go to a muggle education once he finishes Hogwarts"

Neville- "who knows but I hope everything works out for him for the best, also he hates the spot light wonder if he is doing this for magcial realm or not?"

Dean- "I wonder so too"



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