Chapter 8

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Severus- "Sirius"

Sirius- I run over pulling him into my arms and kissing him before hugging him with my hand on the back of his neck while he puts his head on my shoulder "never do that again"

Severus- "I'm sorry I couldn't.."

Sirius- I sigh "I know love, it's all Dumbledore fault you couldn't do anything or he would of either killed me, Harry or you"

Severus- "I did everything to keep you two alive even if it was the end of me"

Sirius- "don't worry now love, he is gone but unfortunately out there somewhere ibut we shall all protect you especially me"

Harry- "and me"

Severus- I pull away and slowly move forward as I kneel down in front of his as I touch his face, he has always been too small for his age. I stroke his cheek "will you ever be able to forgive for what I did to you son?"

Harry- "of course I forgive you mother, you saved not just father but me too, I known it was all an act when ever I saw through your act I saw the sadness and upsetness on your face I didn't know why though until now"

Severus- I pull him into a hug "thank you son, thank you for your forgiveness"

Harry- "of course mother, after everything, you deserve forgiveness and more"


Harry- I walk onto the train with the others and we find a compartment together when there is a knock on the door. We look up seeing Draco's friends maybe because he is with us this whole time seeing as me, Father, Mother, Remus, The Weasley and Malfoy's meet up before hand.

Pansy- "can we please join"

Harry- I nod before doing a enlargement charm on the compartment for us to be able to fit everyone in. When everyone sat down I say "so how was everyone's summer?"

Pansy- I smile "well mine was great went to France, let's just say I meet some hot chicks and men there"

Blaise- "I went to Italy, went to work at my mother side of the family restaurant last just say I enjoyed my time there since I last went when I was six before my father died after unfortunately lost the fight of his illness"

Neville- "my summer was great, I spent my time in the green house which my grandmother got me for my fifteenth"

Luna- "oh me and daddy went on an amazing adventure into the woods finding all sort of amazing creatures"

Theo- "mine was alright I guess, did see much as usual but enjoyed my time painting and reading"

Draco- "all of you know how my summer was"

Harry- "same here because unfortunately everything goes into the paper these days"

Pansy- "yeah I bet it's annoying isn't it?"

Harry- "it is but if she write something I truly don't like let's just say I truly have some dirt on her which could get her into alot of trouble because let's just say it's against some Ministry rules and she will definitely regret crossing me if the time does come when she does write something horrible about me and my family, because no one messes with me, my family and friends without getting payback towards said person who has hurt or harmed one of us either mentally or physically"


Harry- "what's wrong?"

Seamus- "nothing it's just before we found out about Dumbledore, my mother didn't want me coming back"

Harry- "let me guess because of me?"

Seamus- I pull a face "yes sorry"

Harry- I shake my head "no I understand especially after the whole Dumbledore thing which I was completely oblivious other than him trying to control and manipulate me but I thought it because he wanted me to be his saviour and get read of Voldemort but after finding out the truth let's just say my therapist helped me with that and may other things"

Seamus- "your alright after the whole Cedric thing right?"

Harry- I nod "yeah my therapist made me realise it could of been either me or him, saying that he would of forgiven me if he was here today, that I shouldn't hold onto my guilt that it couldn't be all controlled and wasn't my fault"

Seamus- "good because it was, none of it was fault"

Harry- "I know but apart of it also make me feel like it because I believe it was because of who I am, that I am the boy who lived that's why he ended up getting killed even though I find out that Dumbledore planned it all his death and everything, he was even thinking the same about my godfather who he knew was innocent this whole time and knew Pettigrew was alive with the Weasley not that anyone knew that not even the ones he trusted the most, he had some of them controlled including Pettigrew under his control this time" I sigh "I wish everything turned out into some different sometimes, that I wish to think things happen for a reason but sometimes I think that's bullshit because I wish for things to turn out another way then what they truly have turned out to be"

Seamus- "I think everyone would wish the same too, the whole things turning out into something better then what the had turned out to be and everyone will feel guilt for things in life some more than others because that's within us humans even if we could wish to turn it off but unfortunately we have to all go through it, so think if anything happens like if you are down or think something bad you know were me and the others are"

Harry- I smile "thank you Seamus" I see him go towards his bed after a few minutes of quietness "you know you could help people yourself, you would be a good therapist" I say before turning and laying down into bed

Seamus- I look towards him thinking over what he said before I go to bed with a happy dreams and a smile on my face



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