Chapter 12

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2 months later

Poppy- her Patronus comes my way making me rush out of the castle and towards them. I see them surrounding him making sure he is conscious or not. I kneel down beside his body keeping him over seeing at the horrid wounds and bruises all over his body. I us my magic to help pick him up taking him straight for the hospital wing but instead of taking him to the normal bed I go over towards the private that no one can go in unless my alarm goes off and the patients are protected. I lay him down before getting potions down him and getting him cleaned up making sure everything is wrapped up and secured. When done I go towards my fire place flooing them right over.

Severus- I come out straight away with Siri behind me as we rush with her towards the room. I gasp and move over as I out my hand over my mouth as tears slide out of my eyes "my poor baby" I say sitting down taking his bandaged hand into mine.

Sirius- I go to his over side taking his also bandage hand into mine as well. I look towards him then Severus "we know have to wait and see if he wakes up but I hope he won't be in alot of pain"

Poppy- "I gave him one of those strong pain potions which will wear out in twelve hours, so will give him another one after then"

Sirius- I smile softly to her "thank you Poppy"

Poppy- "no worries, now if you need anything come to me"

Sirius- "we will do" I say before she nods and walks out of the room but I saw tears rolling down her face knowing she is upset with the situation also.


Harry- I flutter my eyes open noticing I am finally free and in the hospital wing knowing now it's not an hallucination but what if it is.

Sirius- I look up seeing his eye are open "oh son it's good to see you awake, do you need anything?"

Harry- "this is real right?" I croak out

Sirius- I grab the drink from the side and helped him to drink it making sure not to spill it all over his face seeing as he is laying down and can barely move "no this is really baby"

Harry- "good, I though I was hallucinating again"

Sirius- "do you want to tell us anything about what happened, you don't have too if it causes you to get upset or anything"

Harry- "no it's fine also did she check for spells and potions or anything?"

Sirius- I nod "she did, she got everything out of your system before giving you the potions that you need"

Harry- I hum before speaking "well that day I was walking to class when something hit me on the back of my head and everything turn black. Next thing I found myself in someone basement with magical chain around my throat, wrist and ankles. Turns out because with Dumbledore being the past headmaster he got into the castle but he had help"

Sirius- "who?"

Harry- "Alaster Moody, Dumbledore, Umbridge and Mundungus Fletcher"

Sirius- "fucking bastards!"

Severus- "Language"

Sirius- "sorry to wake you up love"

Severus- I smile "it's alright Siri"

Harry- I look towards my mother "your pregnant"

Severus- I nod "I am, your going to have a little sister"

Harry- I smile "I have always wanted to have a sibling of my own"

Severus- "well now you are going to have one and I tell you she is worse then Siri over, never stops moving and kicking me"

Harry- I snort "does sound a lot like a little female Siri"

Sirius- "hey! You also act like me too"

Harry- I shake my head but groan because of the pain. I say "I got more of Mother personality though only 1% of yours compared to his 99%, so it's not surprising if one is a mini you and the other aka me being the Mini Severus Snape"

Sirius- "cheeky brat"

Harry- I snort "now were was I, oh yes. Well they all came down the first day trying to make me understand the Dumbledore is the light ruler not Voldemort, that Voldemort is the evil one but nothing they said was working, so it started with them shoving potions down my throat as well as spells coming my way and not just to manipulate me they even did the Crucio on me which was very common but after a while I was immune to it that it didn't work on me, they caught on after a while that it was working on me, so they did worser dark spells on me that a few times I was dying but they then shoved potions down my throat to keep me alive. After a while I gave up and pretended I believe in them again, that what they were saying was the correct thing. They gave me a room, this was about a few weeks ago but still hurt me and I was in so much pain, the broken bones or anything didn't help. I decided to escape last night let's just say they caught on and when I was running away from the house with spells and curses shooting my way. Once I was past the ward I was about to black out when I hit the ground seeing myself now within Hogwarts wards and on Hogwarts ground, I felt her speaking to me as she sang me to sleep that was before I last saw McGonagall and other running my way shouting my name as I go into unconsciousness but I am glad they found me because I was on the verge of death, I felt it coming my way but even if I had died I would of come back to life anyway Death told me that point seeing he was there too"

Sirius- "who was singing you to sleep?"

Harry- "Hogwarts here self"



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