Chapter 2

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Harry- I come out of the cafe after finishing my shift when I see the snuffles "come along you have alot to answer" I say walking away hearing him follow behind. I come out of subway with two tuna (he will eat fish except for other meat) and sweet corn wrapped up subs before sitting down on the bench will be heads down the alley way close by to change back to himself before joining me. I hand over the sub as we start to eat and would talk after we are finished because I am hungry.

I turn to him "when were you going to tell me about how the Potter's aren't my parents?"

Sirius- "you weren't supposed to know until your eighteen"

Harry- "why?"

Sirius- "because of Dumbledore"

Harry- I raise my eyebrow "I get that but you are one of his follows, aren't you?"

Sirius- I snort "I rather be put into a mental health ward then be on his side"

Harry- I snort "what a coincidence then?"

Sirius- "what is?"

Harry- "just thinking of my therapist"

Sirius- "you have a Therapist!?"

Harry- I look around as I say "shush keep quite we don't know if we are being watch and if we are they won't be able to hear us unless they want to get caught or because your shouting"

Sirius- I sigh "sorry"

Harry- "who's side are you really one and who else is too?"

Sirius- "the dark with Remus, Tonks and Severus"

Harry- I chuckle "Severus, really I thought you despised each other"

Sirius- "we were once lovers but he broke it off but he never said why"

Harry- "there might of been a reason behind it, how about you and him going to couple therapy and work out why in the first place"

Sirius- "your a fucking genius you are"

Harry- I smirk "I know I am"

Sirius- "cheeky, now what are you thoughts on our true side because don't want you running to Dumbledore even if you are my nephew"

Harry- "oh trust me I am no fan and never have be of Dumbledore, it has been all an act to survive this whole time"

Sirius- "I am not surprised, I can't stand the fucking man"

Harry- "agreed, now what has been going on?"

Sirius- "well the Weasley's are now staying with us"

Harry- "Hermione?"

Sirius- "yes she is there too, Dumbledore is not allowing anyone to contact you and let's just say the little golden trio is very happy about that but Arthur, The twins, Remus and me aren't, Tonks would be too but you both bearly know each other"

Harry- "I wish I had her abilites"

Sirius- "who wouldn't"

Harry- I hum "it would help both of us alot especially you, by the way I know how to get that rat out away and you freed"

Sirius- "how?"

Harry- "he is your lord after all"

Sirius- My eyes widen "fucking dumbass that I am"

Harry- I snort "agree"

Sirius- I shoved him gently of course don't want him to get hurt "hey you"

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