Part Ten: The Reconning

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I patted the bed suggesting Alayia sit.  The horrors of my past had  intruded in their home for three straight nights now. Each I suspect worse than the one before. My dreams, memories were growing more vivid and I was reliving that night over and over . Waking each time to Jacob standing over me with worry in his eyes.

I did my best to avoid Aliya during the days. I was still ashamed and remorseful for my actions of a few weeks ago and over a decade before. Instead of being a good... um... what was I? The question hung in the gaps of my mind. No no. Focus. ...a  good ... a good person, I walked out on her when she need me, needed someone who understood.

"Alayia," I began,  "That night I felt so much rage, remorse and regret , I could not think straight. I should have been there for you and I am sorry."
Confusion written across her face in bright bold letters. "You see" I continued, "I know who assaulted you, and I know why you wanted to keep it quiet."
I paused, "I was the same person who assaulted me" I took a deep breath and felt Jacob tense. "The only difference is he was a EDL student at the time, semestering at NMLS due to hardship." I swallowed hard and held on to Jacobs hand before saying the last bit. I continued looking directly at Alayia, "but you know him as Professor Vonkerson."

I squeezed Jacob's hand tighter. Not wanting to continue but knowing I had to.

"He tried to rape me when I was a third year." I felt a lump form in my throat as a single tear rolled down my cheek. "I am sorry I didn't report it, report him. If I had you wouldn't..." Before I could finish Alayia threw her arms around me and hugged me. I hugged her back and we both cried. When we  pulled away Jacob was gone. Instinctively, we dash toward the door. If we don't get to him, he'll probably end up in jail. The sound of screeching tires tell us we were too late.

I grab my keys off the night stand and a pair of shorts from the drawer. Jacob had taken the liberty of having my car delivered to his place, in addition to filling the dresser with clothes. I was essentially being handled. At first I was too worn out and worked up to notice. Now that I think about it, I didn't like it. We would have to talk later, hopefully before the cops did.

Alayia was right behind me as I rushed down the steps and out the front door. "Buckle in," I said glancing at her. She was a pretty nineteen year old, slender dark skin ,the colour of roasted coffee beans with the, perfect smile. Our features were similar enough that if you did not know us, she would easily pass as my daughter.  I can't believe that arsehole went after her.

I turned the key in the ignition. I hated driving, worst at night. I hated speeding even more but that was exactly what I was about to do. Forty-five, fifty, sixty- five, by the time I got to Old Hope Road I was so far over the speed limit a night in Jimmy Cliff was assured. I needed, we needed to get to him before he got to Vonkerson. Jacob's car was no where in sight. We were doing eighth/eighty-five and he was no where, not even his tail lights. How fast was he driving?

"Do you know where he lives?", I asked. I doubt she would. If she didn't we'd have to go on campus and try to find out, wasting valuable time.

"Yes," I am surprised. "I have to pass his place to get to my Spanish teacher , when I drop off papers for her." She continued. " it's off Daisy Ave., Carnation, No. Camelia Way."

I can hear the faint notes of music as I turn off Garden onto Daisy Ave.  It gets louder as I approach Camelia. Someone is having a party.

"It's that one, right there" Aliya points out the perverts house.

I roll to a stop about three houses down and put the car in park. Engine running I get out and tell her to get in the  driver's seat and keep the doors locked. I have no idea what I am going to find when I get here and want us to be prepared to leave in a hurry. I walk almost in the middle of the once paved, now marl road.  It is dark and I am in a poorly light area I do not know. I prefer to take my chances with a speeding car than the granny hands that may reach out from behind these immaculate concrete fences.

Vonkerson is partying alright. Mixing in with the music are the distinct sounds of a fight. Bottles breaking, furniture smashing, a slew of curse words and what may be bones. Jacob's car is thrown haphazardly across the road. He didn't even bother to park. This is not good. Just then I noticed Andrew, George and Mikel's cars are all but blocking the street, while Matteo's blocks the driveway. My stomach starts to knot.

In a different setting Jacob, his brothers Mikel and Matteo, and his cousins the twin terrors Andrew and George are the best company one could have. Right now they were likely everyone's worst nightmare.

Now at the gate I could here a women shrieking and see fists flying in every direction. I breathed a slight sigh of relief. The thing about this typically suit and tie wearing group of ruffians is they are all ex-military. The twins had served in US, Andrew in the Marines and George in the Army. Mikel served in the Canadian Army - and yes, they exists - while Matteo served in the British Royal Navy. Jacob was the only one who served locally in the JDF. So you see, things could have been a lot worse, considering. At least there were no guns involved.

I had no idea how I was going to break this up and drag them out. There were five huge bundles of grown men tussling like children in a school yard. Fists and feet everywhere. A few adventurous women were on the backs of one or another. For a second I felt as if I were on a movie set.
I scanned the disarray and notice a mic. I grabbed it and screamed "Stop!" As loud as I could. My poor pitch created and ear splitting sound, which surprisingly worked... but not for long.

Desperate, I fished my phone out of my pocket and called the only person I could think of, Denroy. In a few short moments, reinforcements arrived. I breathe a small sigh of relief and collapsed on the curb, as my old friend from SWAT showed up with his team. They could do the heavy lifting.

Once it was broken up, the five bandits and several others were hauled out. They dutifully climbed into the back of the truck to which they had been directed. Bruised and bloody without a single ounce of remorse in sight. They were the least of it,  the other men looked like living hell, eyes primarily focused on their restraints. The rest of the party goers killed around in shock and spoke in hushed tones. Soon, the stretchers roll out and I saw Vonkerson or what was left of him.

He had knots the size of lemons around his eye, a busted lip and possibly a broken nose. Based on the bandaging maybe even a fractured skull. Some other poor sob had his arm in a makeshift sling and was screaming while holding shoulder. The five definitely weren't going home tonight.

I walked over to Denroy and asked what precinct they would be taken to. As I walked over toward the unit, I heard Matteo swear. They were so busy being a collective arse that none of them noticed my presence. When they did, everyone slightly hung their heads except, of course, Jacob.

He glares at me before he says a word. I look him dead in the eyes and say " I will deal with you later" and walk away. I can hear the howls and chiding of the other four. Their revelry will die down soon, we all know they have wives to dealt with. They will all likely still be in the dog house long after I've left Jacob's.


I had Alayia call her Aunt's and her
Cousin's wives while I drove. She left me with the task of dealing with her grandmother. It felt a bit like revenge. To say Ms. G was not pleased with me as putting it lightly. I took small comfort in knowing her boys would have another round of hell for what they pulled tonight.

We pulled up at the Mona Heights Police Station intending to speak with the officer in charge and determine what the next steps were. I walked into the station with Alayia in tow only to find the five, seated comfortably in the waiting area. "The Hell!"
I exclaim at the sight of the group completely unfettered. I was sure they would spend the night in jail, at the very least.

Jacob gets up and grabs my elbow. "Keys." By his tone I can tell he is still angry. He guides me toward the door while Matteo, Mikel, Andrew and George, hug and kiss their niece and cousin before escorting her out.

We ride in silence to the homes of each of rascals until, finally, Jacob, Alayia and I are the only ones in the SUV. I can feel the chill in Jacob's attitude. It is going to be a long night.

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