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July 21, 1897 - Camden, London

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July 21, 1897 - Camden, London

|accepting her fate|

As expected, Bellina isn't fond of her parents' decision in moving places, yet as always, she has no say in anything as she kept quiet, letting her parents control her to be able to manifest a "good life", said by them.

Fair-skinned, Bellina Maude has sharp blue with a hunch of green-colored eyes. There are visible freckles on the bridge of her nose, a little to her cheeks, too. She is red-haired, which she isn't too fond of, thank you very much.

She is well-liked by everyone, though she never really cared much about the exposure. She has a wide imagination, which can only be her friend when at times she cannot express how she feels with anyone.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you."

"Ugh, no."

"Um, how do you do?"

"It is of utmost opportunity to be having this conversation with you, how scrumptious it is to make your acquaintance—No!"

"What the hell are you doing?"

Startled, Bellina looks at her door aggressively and saw her brother. "When will you learn, Arthur! I told you to never barge in my space."

"You spoiled little brat. Did you break your porcelains once again? Vincent!" he calls.

Giving up from her failed attempts of greetings, she took a sigh as she sat down on the chair towards her window and became preoccupied looking at the strange, chipped, long, yet plump porcelain vase at the top of her table her brother was pertaining, with her palm stuck on her chin, she intently looks at it.

"Are your luggages ready, Miss Bellina?" a voice calls, "Miss Bellina?"

Reaching back to reality, she blinked a few times before turning around to see her butler.

"Yes, Vincent. They're over there, thank you."
"Uh—say, do you know whatever happened to my vase?"

As Vincent curls his eyebrows gently, he answers in honesty, "I-I don't know, Miss, I'm sorry to say."

"It's okay, Vincent," she chuckles, standing up getting the vase with her right hand.
"The two missing pieces are inside, I probably was the one who broke it and had the nerve to stick it in there," she smiles even more as her blue eyes twinkle, her red hair flowing against her cheeks.

"I'm surprised to see you so cheerful this morning, Madame. You weren't quite the peach when you first heard the news," Vincent continues as he gets her trunks beside the edge of her bed.

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