So, what a journey this has been, finally, reaching the end.
It's somewhat sad to close this 'Find Yourself' mini series, but I hope it has been worth your time in reading my poems. I hope reading them showed you the meaning of guidance, kindness, self-worth, and self-love. I hope you've gained a new understanding about the stars, the world, and yourself. I hope that you've earned the motivation to stand up and rise to the stars, to your dreams. I hope you found that time is your friend.
Although this journey now comes to an end, understand, there are many more journeys awaiting. And if you can't find your next journey, create one beside the moon and among the stars.
Lastly, I hope that all your good wonderful dreams, will someday come true...
...Thank you kind people for all your amazing support and making me feel that dreams, with time, will someday come true ^_^
Adore Yourself
Poetry"On the bus stop I see you there Walking on air Somehow you've changed For the better..." {Adore Yourself: Change Yourself} 🌒...