Fathers Daughter [Peter Parker]

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Music blasted through the small penthouse, nude men and women scattered the party as a rock blasted from every speaker. A woman passed bye with a pill carrier "woah wait" she stopped and looked down at the small collection of pills, acid tans, cigarettes and joints. I grabbed two pills, a cigarette and a joint. "Thanks hon" I tucked a 100 into her tip pouch. She smiled and went on her way. I swallowed the pills dry, smoking the joint quickly and lighting the cigarette. Walking around the party there were people having sex on couchs and an orgy going on in one of the rooms that I almost joined. "Hey I'm Mike-" and then the Xanax hit nd I woke up on the floor of the apartment after being kicked in the side. "Yo wake up, you gotta leave" I sat up and looked around, the entire place was a mess which wasnt much of a suprise. I had no shirt on or bra, and I was missing my other boot. "Hey what time is it?" I asked sitting up asking the man that kicked me. "Its uh... 1pm" I nodded and pushed myself up off the ground, grabbing the first shirt I saw on the ground and taking my other heel off. My head was pounding as I tried to remember last night. I grabbed a hair tie off the couch and put my hair up, walking around the penthouse looking for the front door. I picked up one of the cups, taking a drink of whatever was in it and fi doing the pill Carter passed out with a group of named women. I took the last three cigarettes and lighting one with the lighter on the nightstand. My phone was in my back pocket thankfully amd I was able too order an uber.

Once I was outside of the apartment I waited for the uber I could hear a few snaps in the air and I looked around and across the street there was some paparazzi. I groaned and took a drag of my cigarette, just as the uber pulled up. "Go fucking photography Katy Perry or some shit!" I yelled to him as he kept snapping photos. I groaned and got into the backseat. "To the avengers tower?" He asked looking from the map back to me. I nodded and he pulled away from the spot on the side of the road. "Rough night?" He asked and I didnt respond, I was too busy listening to my head pound.

By the time we got to the tower it was 2pm, I got out the the car and went up to the building, scanning my phone, it let me in and I went straight for the elevator, gaining some odd looks from the business men sitting in the lobby. I got up to the floor the team stayed in. My father put me here because he thought it would help me 'slow down' he was stupid, all it did was put me closer to my ex-boyfriend. I mean he was doing the same shit at my age and now he was giving me crap for it. The elevator doors opened and their heads snapped over to me. "Yikes" Steve said and I dropped my shoe by the elevator doors. "Where were you all night y/n?" He asked I groaned rolling my eyes. "Not in the mood old man" I walked past everyone, as soon as I got into the hallway I peeled the worn shirt off my body, I new the team could see my back but it was just my back, please my tits were all over the internet anyways so it really didnt matter. I opened my door and slammed it shut laying on my bed and falling right back asleep.


My door opened and the light was flipped on. "Wake up Y/n" I could hear peppers voice from the door way and I groaned pulling a pillow over my head. "Leave me alone Pepper" I said and she hummed. "Nope your coming with me" she pulled my blankets off me and I sighed. "What do you want because I'm not going anywhere" I said sitting up. "Were going to get dinner, just us" she said, I looked over at the clock. "Come on, go get dressed" and she left the room. Cant I be left alone? I grabbed some jeans, clean panties, and a top, not bothering for a bra. "Fine let's go, and I'm only going bc I dont want to have to sit with fucking Peter at dinner" she nodded and walked with me out of the apartment.

"Your dad wanted me to talk to you about how you've been dealing with the break up" I rolled my eyes, dropping my fork. "I dont want to talk about that. We dated for three years, and he dumped me like I was nothing just because he got into fancy ass MIT" I snapped picking my fork back up and taking a bit of the food on my plate. "Like fuck, I didnt dump him when my dad shipped me off the china for seven months" I was mad beyond belief, I had been like this for months. "And your right, but that doesnt mean you should run around, do drugs and have meaningless sex with random strangers which video taped some of it by the way" she said, I sighed and fell back into the chair. "I dont care anymore. I thought peter was the one, and before you tell me any of that your 20 you have your whole life in front of you shit I dont want to hear. All I wanted was peter but I wasnt good enough for him obviously because he wants skinny pretty curly haired MJ" I took the glass of bottle of wine that sat at the table, pouring some into my glass. "You cant drink that" she said taking the glass from me.

"Why wasn't I good enough? I gave him my fucking virginity and I never canceled a date, when he skipped so fucking many of them, be even had the audacity to say it was because I was too clingy!" I scoffed, and her eyes widened. "Okay, TMI y/n, TMI" she said siping her wine and setting it on the table. "Alright you really want to know why your here?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah I really would, because I know this wasnt some girly chit chat get together" I snapped at her again. "Your dads planning to send you to rehab"

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