Fathers Daughter PT.2 [Peter Parker]

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"I swear to fucking God the next person that knocks on my God darn door telling me to get up and train is getting their fucking ass kicked!" I screamed down the haul slamming my door. I was three days into not drinking and smoking- well I was smoking cigarettes one after another but thats okay. I grabbed another cigarette bringing it to my lips and lighting it with a lighter and walking out to my balcony taking the cigarette from my lips and breathing out the smoke. I wrapped my sweater around me tighter right before I heard a sound that made my heart drop.


"Oh fuck no"


I felt like I was going throw up. I looked down from the balcony seeing the red and blue figure swing through the city. "SON OF A BITCH!" I screamed slamming the dor and grabbing the closest thing to me chucking it at my door. I put out my cigarette in the full ashtray, shoving it in my pocket. I couldn't stay here because I knew that at some point he would show up to the tower and seeing him would make me lose mine.  I grabbed my back pack and shoved some panties, a sports bra, my wallet, car keys, laptop and charger zipping it up and walking out of my room. "Hey your out, where you going?"  Becky asked from the couch and I groaned. "Anywhere but here" I said continuing to the elevator. "Lady y/n, If your going out could you possibly take me to the Wal-Mart to get the holiday addition pop tarts?" He asked and groaned. "Fuck, yeah sure c'mon" I said, I didn't want to waste anymore time. He smiled thanking me and standing up following me to the elevator, pressing garage.

When the elevator dinged and the doors opened I walked inside and when the doors shut I lit my cigarette again. "Aren't those bad for your health?" He asked and I nodded. "But so is cocaine and pain killers, but apparently I can't do them anymore with out going to rehab" I said asking my cigarette. "Rehab?" He asked not understanding it. "Its where you have a problem with drugs and you go there to get off them" he nodded with an oh. "I feel sick" I mumbled feeling nausea run through my body. "Why?" I sighed and grabbed the rail. "Detoxing from pain killer's can make you really sick." This was one of the side effects of detoxing from pain killers. The elevator dinged and opened and there he was standing in his suit.

My heart burned and the vomit rose as I dashed out the elevator grabbing the nearby trash can vomiting. "Oh no" I could hear those and feel his hands grabbing hair. My stomach churned and my throat burned even more as I thew up again. "Is she okay?" Peter voice sounded ethereal in my head, like euphoria. "No Lady y/n said she was detoxing from pain killers" he said i kicked him the leg, standing up. "Shut up Thor." I snapped leaning against the wall feeling my head pound and pound against my skull. "We got to get her the med bay" Peter said and I shook my head. "Go away Peter I'm- I'm-" I threw up again. "Go the fuck away pete, im fine im not your concern" I spat, pushing my self up against the wall standing up, nearly falling. "Let's go" I said to Thor walking away keeping close to wall. "It was nice to see you spiderboy" he said and I could hear Peter grumble "Spiderman" Thor followed me out to the garage, getting into my car.

"Give me a minute" I mumbled as I put the keys in the engine "I have a question" he said and I looked him waiting for him to continue. "Why would you damage yourself because Peter and you broke up?" He asked and I sighed. "I don't know honestly. Its like it was the only way to avoid the feeling of him not being there. Sometimes when I did psychs I saw him, I was doing everything I could to feel like he was with me again. To feel something other than anger and sadness. Its exhausting being so sad and mad all the time." He nodded. "Thats understandable, how long were you two together?" He asked and I sighed, thinking. "We got together about a month after the whole airport fiasco, he was 15 and I was 14, and then we broke up before her went to M.I.T and started dating MJ again, like right after ward, not even two days I hated him so much after thag, anyways we dated for three years." I said and he nodded. "In asgard a love is a bound that can't be broken." He said and I sighed, I knew what he was getting at. "You know what I mean, I don't hate hate him, the worst part is that after everything I still love him. I thought someone finally loved me, he told me everyday even if we were fighting that he loved me. I grew up in a loveless home, there was no love in my mother's heart, she always said I was the worst mistake of her life and that my dad didn't want me, he never would, and I still believe that no matter how hard I try not to. Peter was the first person I believed actually loved me so I gave him everything I had to give." By this time I was cry, I don't remover much of the next hour after that, it was just mostly consisted of Thor listening to me cry as I booked a hotel on my phone.

That whole night Thor and I talked, he told be about his first girlfriend, her name was Yivane and she was a worker in the castle, but know one new because that was considered unethical we ended up watching a bunch of movies and for the first time in four and a half years, I felt happy with happy with out drugs.

Lmao im not done with drugs yet.

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