Sophie Foster ran.She ran fast.
She had to. The foster care was brutal to her. The only person she could trust, helped her escape.
"Run, Sophie! Run! Don't look back!" Mr.Forkle, one of the teachers, her most trusted person there, told her.
Sophie trembled. The sirens were sounding. There was a small fire set in the kitchen on purpose to get Sophie out, "What about you?"
"Sophie we have no time! The firefighters will be here any second!" He urgently pushes her out the emergency back door and frantically looked around.
"I can't leave you!" She shrieked as the water was sprayed behind them.
Mr.Forkle hugged Sophie with a tender touch and opened the door wider, "Run! Run! Fast before-"
A group of firefighters grabbed Mr.Forkle and pulled him out of the fire quickly. Another tried to do the same with Sophie, but at the last second, she slid out the door and ran.
She ran. She ran so fast. And so far.
And Sophie still ran. The rain started to pour after what felt like an hour of running and falling and tripping. She packed nothing. The only thing she had with her was her clothes that were on her back and her stuffed elephant, Ella (which was weird considering she was 17, but Ella was all she had). But that was it. No bag, no food, no clothes...
Sirens were heard behind her. The firefighter must have alerted the police that she escaped. Sophie saw a forest clearing and ran inside and hid behind a tree, hoping the police didn't spot her. There was only one police vehicle there, and the man on top of the motorcycle did look like he was looking for her, but he zoomed past her.
Sophie let out her breath and pressed her lips together, telling herself not to cry. She started running again, but this time deeper into the forest. She got scratched by twigs and fell, scraping her knees several times, but she kept going.
She wasn't five anymore. She wasn't the scared little girl who ran away from the flood in fear. She was brave, she didn't need authority figures to live. Most of all she was free. Free to be herself, free to live, and not get beaten by the people in Foster care every day.
Sophie stopped when she hit some train tracks on the other side. There was a large red train just sitting there. She heard a howl behind her in the woods, and she realized there must be wolves there. Fear took over and she jumped onto the train. The train cart was empty except for a few potato sacks, some empty, and a few carts
The train started moving as Sophie realized she was trembling. She walked backward until hitting the wall and sliding down. She put her head between her knees and steadied her breath.
She left Mr.Forkle. How could she do that?! She should have brought him with her! A tear leaked down Sophie's face. She got up and pushed the carts into a half-circle against the wall so they could hide her. She was pretty sure whoever owned the train wouldn't like her there. She threw all the empty sacks into her small space and slumped in there too. Sophie covered herself in the sacks, like blankets, and curled into a small ball, hugging Ella. The small blue, Hawaiian t-shirted elephant only half supported her, so she softly cried.
And eventually fell asleep.
Hey! I hope you all liked it! Idk if it's a bit "bits and pieces" right now...
idk this was a really hard chapter to write since I'm using up all my current ideas and I had no clue how to start this chapter!
😅Well anyways thanx for reading! Plsssssss PLS PLS PLSSSSS
vote or comment at least once just cause I want to know who my readers are! Just comment a "hi" or vote or SOMETHING! I'm just the type who needs to know!WELL BAAA!

Trust; A Sokeefe Circus AU
FanfictionYOU'LL JUST HAVE TO READ IT TO FIND OUT!!😋✌️ A/N: This is extremely Sokeefe! AND ITS A CIRCUS AU!! this is my very own idea and was never inspired by ANYONE in Wattpad don't you dare claim I stole anything (I'm talking to you, trolls!) Haters, GO G...