Foxfire was amazing. (Even though it was named after a glowing fungus)
Human fire breathers and eaters, jugglers, lion tamers, monkey tamers, elephant riders, clowns, acrobats, and horse riders. And so many more. They were all on this lawn patch surrounding the biggest tent Sophie's ever seen.
It was incredible.
"Yep," Dex sighed proudly, "This is all our's!" The glowing fungus?
"It's amazing!" She breathed and tried to step forward before Dex caught her hand.
He laughed, "Don't be insane. Foxfire is like crossing a road. Look all the ways, even up and down, before moving." Why is the glowing fungus like crossing a road?
"Oh, that makes sense!" No, it didn't, but she was gonna do whatever she could to fit in.
Dex grinned, "Well let's go!" He ran ahead towards the tent and Sophie smiled before running after him.
And getting knocked over by a girl with cardboard wings and then losing sight of Dex. The girl had big crazy blond hair with a few braids and sky blue eyes that were glaring at her.
"Um.." Sophie looked up at her, "I'm sorry!"
The girl huffed, "You should be! What are you? New here?" she rolled her eyes.
"I am...actually..." Sophie said, rubbing the dust from her eyes.
"Wait, like- actually?"
She nodded.
"Oh." the blonde crazy girl squinted at Sophie and rolled her eyes, "Well, get up! And follow me. Foxfire can be crazy for newbs." she grabbed her hand and pulled her along
Sophie chuckled nervously and stumbled to catch up. At times, they'd stop suddenly and let some elephant or a clown on a golf ball pass. It was... insane.
Sophie walked along, dazed. This did not feel real. She knew circuses were crazy but this is absolutely insane. First of all, there were WAYY too many people. Like who'd they recruit? A whole damn town? Second of all, there was a school. Inside of a circus. With children. Third, THERE SHOULD BE NO WAY THAT AN ELEPHANT CAN RIDE ON A GOLFBALL. THIS DEFIES ALL PHYSICS!
The girl with crazy hair swung her into a booth with a large line, "Damn it, there's a bigger line now because you knocked into me..."
She rolled her eyes, "It's fine, just- come on," she skipped through everyone, making them yell in protest until she made it to the front of the line where a boy with brown curly hair and blue eyes, and jester clothes, sat on a big red box that had some sort of screen on it. People were lined in front of the box and tapping on its screen.
"Hey, Jester!"
The boy glanced at the girl and grinned, "Hey!"
"New girl," she said and pointed at Sophie.
The boy jumped down in front of her, "Hi! What's your name? I'm Jensi. Are you here to sign up? Oh my gosh, are you the new,"
"Jester!" the girl kicked his foot and he yelped.
"Yeah, sorry! Um, I can teach you how to check-in for the first time!" he brought Sophie to the front of the line and tapped a bit on the box.
"So what's your name?" he asked her.
"Sophie," She responded, nervously, "Sophie Foster,"
"Okay! Pretty name!" he reached over a plucked a hair from her head.
"Ow!" Sophie yelped and jumped back.
The girl from before patted her shoulder, "Standard procedure, we have to get some DNA," She held out her hand, "By the way, I'm Marella. Not Mare. Not Ella. Marella." Was that clear enough?
She shook her hand, "Sophie,"
"I heard. So, you're new?" she asked. Sophie nodded back, "Okay, good luck. Just stick with me and you'll be okay. You'll definitely get isolated a bit and bullied slightly at first, but don't worry it's not you, it's 'cause you're an outsider," she explained.
"Oh," Yes, cause that makes it so much better.
Jensi handed Sophie a card a piece of paper, "Swipe that into the slot on the machine and you'll be logged in for the day and fully expected to be in attendance, and every class has a slot for you to swipe so you can log in. And this is your schedule," he explained, "Oh, and Marella is 100% right. We usually don't get new people, at least not anymore. There's so many usually, so we don't need anymore, but the recruit-,"
"Jensi!" Marella hissed.
"Oh, uh, sorry. Anyways, totally drop by during lunch or something!" He offered with a smile.
Marella pulled her away and dragged her inside. It was insane. There was a trapeze and all sorts of things inside. It looked way bigger inside and there were small little tents all over. It shouldn't even be possible for 2 people to fit into them, but there were so many people going in and out, that it astounded her.
"The tents have numbers on them and your schedule should tell you when is when," she explained, and pointed to a black tent, "I have to go to class. Your first tent is over there, by the way, they're not in order so you should ask someone for each class," she patted Sophie's back and went off into the crowd.
Sophie hurried over to the black tent she pointed out before. It had the number on it was a red 12. She went inside and shock overwhelmed her.
Inside, it was gigantic. There were chairs filed into a big circle with a few people already seated. It shouldn't be scientifically possible, but there It was. An entire classroom in a small tent.
"Magic...." Sophie whispered.
"Sophie Foster!" a man said from the front of the classroom, making the few kids turn to look at her too, making her nervous, "We've been expecting you, please take a seat,"
What will it take you to forgive me. I apologize I ghosted this thing for months T-T.
Anyways I will try my best to keep updating, I'm just not really in this fandom anymore, so I forgot a lot of this and it makes it harder to keep myself motivated.

Trust; A Sokeefe Circus AU
FanfictionYOU'LL JUST HAVE TO READ IT TO FIND OUT!!😋✌️ A/N: This is extremely Sokeefe! AND ITS A CIRCUS AU!! this is my very own idea and was never inspired by ANYONE in Wattpad don't you dare claim I stole anything (I'm talking to you, trolls!) Haters, GO G...