Throw him in front of a truck

193 6 2

I saw nudes and text calling the Uzumaki "daddy" from none other than the University whore. Uzumaki was cheating on sweet sweet Hinata with the well-known slut Shion. What would make him do that to her of all people? The two girls could pass as sisters so it can't be looks. I can only assume that it's because Hinata refused to fuck him. Hinata had already told Shino and I that she was planning on giving him her virginity on New Years'. This moron couldn't wait for a few months, he just had to bag something easy. Thank kami she didn't or this would hurt much worse for her. I have to bash his face in. I need to throw him out of the car on the highway, preferably in front of a truck. I was seconds away from doing just that when Shino spoke up.

"I'm assuming because of your facial expression and posture that Naruto has done something that will hurt Hinata. I would refrain from hitting him. Hinata wouldn't want to come home to her boyfriend in the hospital and her best friend in jail. Let her enjoy herself, save the bad news for when she gets back."

Stupid Shino and his smart, rational fucking thinking.

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