• I'm here - Zerkjzl •

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Description: — Tobi, a guy from youtube or mainly from the sidemen as everyone says. Yet he hates how he's known like that.. none of the boys seem to really figure out what's going on with him except Josh. That's why he always sticks with him because he finds himself safe there with Josh. —

People: Josh and Tobi

-Third Person-

- Fluff/a bit sad? -

It was a cold winter night, everyone was trapped inside as usual since it would be freezing to even step a foot out there. However, Tobi didn't care as it was quite peaceful for him and also the nice air was good since it's been real difficult lately. Why you may ask? Nobody seems to care and it always feels like he's left out in conversations but then again maybe that's just him going insane..

He threw on a warm outfit which was a plain and black woolly hat, some gloves to keep his hands all cozy and a big sidemen coat. It didn't bother him that it was sidemen because of course he was in that group but they barely ever spoke to him on the phone anyways.

As he was outside, all of a sudden it started to snow  and Tobi's face lit up with a glowing smile and he was so full of joy right at this moment. Out of nowhere, he received a notification because of the iphone sound that he got used to and slowly got out the phone leading him to wonder what it could be.

Hey Tobi!

His smile grew bigger as he noticed it was from Josh, the one that cared so much. All of the sidemen used to love Tobi alot back in the days but now it doesn't even feel like a thing anymore. What did he do?

Oh hey Josh! You okay?

Could be better, JJ is being a total weirdo right now.

What is he doing? 😂

*sent a voice message of JJ screaming*

😳 Good luck with that, buddy.

Thanks Tobs, gonna need it.

Tobi chuckled as he read those messages, he thought it was all silly how Josh was this nice to him but yet again Tobi wanted this in forever.

"That old guy.." He laughed under his breath and carried on slowly walking on the path.

"Yet so special to me.." Tobi added with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, Tobi fell to the ground and he touched his forehead while making a confused face.

"I really should of looked where I was going.." He muttered.

The person offered their hand to him and his eyes widened as that person looked oddly familiar but then Tobi realised..

"Hey Tobi" Josh grinned.

"JOSH!" Tobi screamed and ran into his arms. He didn't care if his head was hurting nor his legs being a pain in the ass.

"Woah there" Josh laughed and put a hand on Tobi's shoulder.

"Sorry, I barely been in contact with anyone in forever." The sidemen rarely posted nowadays and it's been so long that Tobi dared to go to places until now.

"I'm joking Tobs, you can do whatever just don't kill me."

Tobi laughed at what Josh said and they were both happy. They have been friends for like 16 years and neither of them had an argument which is impressive than most people have.

"Another sidemen sunday filming huh?" Tobi said while rolling his eyes.

"Cmon you will love it."

"Will I? I'm sure you will Josh"

"Nah, It's probably going to be another food video."

"You do food videos all the time, you're used to it!" Tobi laughed.

"Aww you watch my videos?" Josh smirked.

"I only click them to dislike, sorry."

Josh turned to Tobi with a sad face as if he's been broken into a million pieces.

"IM JOKING!" Tobi put an arm around Josh quickly while laughing.

"You better be."

"I love you really though"

".. I love you too" there was a pause before Josh said it but it still made Tobi smile as if he's seen a puppy.

They finally made it to where the guys were at and Tobi put on a fake smile since he really didn't want to be there. He liked most of the sidemen but he stopped caring for some because a few stopped caring for Tobi aswell which let him down. How could they do that? It was so disappointing..

"Hey!" Simon and the boys waved at them.

"What's up Tobi?" Ethan came towards Tobi and Josh but they didn't like it.

"Stop acting like you care, Ethan. You weren't there when Tobi was going through disasters were you?" Josh crossed his arms and Ethan stood there with a blank expression on his face.

"Uh.." he blinked and was all silent.


"We're supposed to be filming a video, not making drama." JJ joined in the conversation.

"Yeah come on lads.. I wanna eat some food even though I'll be fat by the time I start eating." Harry felt his stomach and Tobi couldn't help but laugh.

"I agree with Harry, I'm getting hungry." Vik said.

"Fine, whatever." Ethan muttered and Tobi looked down.

Ethan was one of the guys who left Tobi all alone for a year or two except from sidemen videos. It was all for the content and Tobi hated how he was being used like that. It was so heartbreaking but Tobi fell for it all like always.

"Be strong okay?" Josh whispered and patted Tobi on the back. Tobi took a deep breath and finally walked with the others, he just wanted to be loved.

The sidemen fans or whatever you want to call them loved Tobi but never really understood what he was really like. Tobi went through days alone and days where he got the worst hate causing him to even cry over it and he barely crys over anything.

Sometimes it's just good to have a person like Josh around. Maybe forever in your life because god.. he's the best to Tobi. Nothing will ever change their friendship, no matter what happens to them.

A/N: I never really did anything like this before as in third person but I hope you like it? <3 This do be an awful first chapter tho 😳

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