• You're nothing. - Kstar •

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Description: JJ, a bad alcoholic who lives with Vik, has gotten worse recently and instead of just drinking.. he decides to take it all out on Vik by doing some nasty things that shouldn't even be allowed to do. Vik and JJ used to be the greatest friends and have the best banter but I guess not anymore..

People: JJ and Vik

-first person-

-Angst ⚠️-


After finishing playing a livestream of among us with the sidemen, well apart from JJ because I don't know why he didn't want to play, I laid in my bed with my phone in my hands about to tweet something.

@wroetoshaw we were the best imposters 👀

Suddenly, I heard a loud groan from the other room and I slowly got up to see what that was all about. I hope JJ is okay.. I do care about him afterall. Slowly, I knocked on the door and the response wasn't the nicest.

"GO AWAY VIK." He yelled and I looked down to the floor. I have never heard JJ shout so much in my life.

"Are you o-okay JJ?" My voice was breaking and It was mainly because I was scared of what he would do.

The door opened and JJ grabbed my wrist tight, I looked at him with frightening eyes and he didn't care at all as his grip got tighter and I couldn't break free. It started to go red and I let out a scream while my eyes began to get more and more watery.

"Why are you doing this..."

"You're nothing but a loser who only cares about himself." His words hurt me and It wasn't the JJ I knew.

"I'm sorry for whatever I have done, I didn't mean to hurt you in that way.." It sounded like I was whispering now and I was so confused on whatever I did.

"That apology doesn't mean shit to me." He wrapped his hands around my neck and choked me. I was struggling to breath properly until he finally let me go and I sighed in relief.

JJ stank of alcohol and I finally realised why he was acting like this. He's drinking again, I told him not to..

"How much did you drink?!" I crossed my arms but still was in so much pain that I couldn't even yell or anything.

"That doesn't matter."

"It matters to me.. I care about your health."

"Like hell you do."

It looked like he was about to cry and I was heading towards JJ for a hug but obviously that didn't work as he pushed me to the ground.

"Get away from me! Fucking gay kid." I bursted into tears and he stood there with an evil smile on his face while watching me suffer.

Out of nowhere, I saw his fist clenching and I shook my head repeatedly.

"Please don't do this buddy.." I tried to calm him down but it made him even worse.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN." His voice got way louder this time.

JJ punched me. It wasn't just a 'punch' it hurt so much.. so much that blood started to drip from my face.

"F-fuck you JJ!" I screamed and tears fell from my face. I ran towards the door but he blocked it and I just wanted to leave already..

"What did you say to me?" He looked deep into my eyes and my whole body started shaking.

"I-Im sorry!"

My whole face was bruised and red. I kept coughing every so often because of JJ strangling me and much more worse stuff. I wish he just stopped the alcohol.. it's making him change into a bad person.

"I'm taking your phone so you don't tell any of those other gay sidemen."

He slowly opened the door so I could be free, he doesn't know how stupid he was to do that. Anyone in london would probably help me and I could just easily snitch on JJ like that but then again I'm not because I don't know what would happen to him. He might hurt me more if I did so anyways..

It was sunny outside which was weird but that didn't help as the sun made my face hurt again.

"G-Great.." I muttered.

I remembered Ethan's apartment and was wondering if I should go there or not. I could always make a lie up but would he believe it? Let's risk it.

After walking for ages, I stopped outside the place and gasped for air since I'm not that used to walking. I was so scared to even knock on a door now which made me think that JJ was right, I am all those things.

"Hello?" Ethan said before looking at me and his mouth and jaw dropped when he saw the mess I was in.

"V-Vik?!" He told me to come in straight away and I just nodded.

"Who in the fuck did this to you?!" Ethan shouted and I covered my ears.


"Uh it was J-" I stopped because I realised I shouldn't of said that at all.


"Wait no Ethan!" My voice was all quiet and he left already, there goes me being all scared again.

"Oh no..." I put my hands to my head and looked outside the window.

"I'm such a disappointment aren't I?"

A/N: I'm sorry if this is a little intense 😬 I tried to mix things up a bit

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