•So shy yet so cute - Vobi•

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Description: Vik is a boy who sits at the back of the class in school with nobody to talk to and does his work perfectly. However, Tobi is way different to him as he loves to talk and normally just helps people especially this boy.

-third person-


Lessons began to start and as much as Tobi loved talking to his friends, he hated the classes. The boring work and teachers always went through his head constantly just to worry him more. He got alright grades but still had doubts about himself then and now.

"Tobi?! What's the answer to this question?" A teacher almost yelled at him.

"Uh... I don't know miss." Tobi looked around for any clues to help him but nothing was really there except decorations and random posters.

"You need to pay more attention in this class okay?" She glared and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Vik! Please answer it since someone wouldn't here." Tobi found that a bit rude but turned around to hear the answer from this guy he never even talked to before.

Vik looked up slowly and nodded as he quietly talked through what to do. Tobi felt bad for him as people secretly giggled at Vik and all he wanted to do was help the poor boy.

"Thank you" The teacher smiled and carried on with the lesson.

A few seconds after that, Tobi turned around once more to see what the boy was doing. His hands and legs were shaking while writing stuff down with a pen carefully. He started to look up again and Tobi quickly paid attention to the lesson.

Questions filled his mind about this guy but one was mainly important to him. Why was he so quiet? There had to be reasons behind it but then again loads of people are like that nowadays around people. Tobi sometimes can be like that but he's mostly just chill and will talk whenever.

"Looks like the lesson is over! I'll see you tomorrow guys." The bell rung and the teacher quickly let us out while they were all happy to leave.

"Hey." Tobi got out of his seat and went to the boy who was still packing his stuff up.

"Oh hi.."

"The name's Tobi" He smiled and Vik just nodded.

"I know" Vik laughed and Tobi raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"The teacher said it dummy."

"Who you calling dummy?" Tobi laughed aswell and he felt like he would make a good friendship with this guy already.

"Definitely not you." Vik smiled and walked off.

"Damn who knew a guy like that could be so savage" Tobi muttered and he got even more intrigued.

As Tobi was walking to class, he suddenly stopped. Why you may ask? Well.. some people in his year headed towards Vik and they began laughing and pointing. Tobi had no idea what was going on but he couldn't let this happen.. not to him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He shouted but instantly regretted it as soon as those words came out of his mouth.

"Why do you care boy?" They laughed.

Vik stood in silence with him fiddling his fingers and muttering things hoping they would go away but that obviously didn't work.

"People like you deserve to die Vicky." One of the bullies slapped Vik and he immediately backed away.

"It's Vik.." he decided to correct them and they still didn't care.

"Did I ask?"

Tobi had enough and did something really unexpected, you know how he's normally a nice person? Well that all changed to this day.. Tobi protected Vik by the worst way.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE." Tobi shouted as he kicked the bullies to the ground.

Vik's mouth opened wide in shock and he quickly ran away before any teachers came. That didn't stop Tobi though because he was still hurting them as they did deserve that afterall.


"I-I can explain! They were bullying Vik!"

"And why didn't you tell anyone first?"

"Yea why didn't you Tobi?" They laughed and Tobi glared at them causing them to be silent.

"I'm so sorry.."

"That doesn't change anything, Come with me."

"Okay.." he followed the principle and kept thinking about Vik and what he was doing right now. The thought of him being all sad makes Tobi feel extremely bad all over again. All he wants to do is make Vik feel loved and appreciate not scared or anything.

That black hair with those cute little glasses and his light brown skintone making him glow in Tobi's eyes. It has only been a few days now since Tobi really paid attention to that boy in the back of the class but yet it feels more than that. He wants to be friends with that boy and help him forever no matter what.

A/N: this may be bad but I'm tired so yeah uh night? 👋

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