•Mysterious boy p2 - Minishaw•

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Idk what to put for the media so here take this 🥴🥺

-first person this time because I always use it-

Simon Pov:
My heart was beating after Harry revealed he was blue. I used to always have a crush on him especially when we were younger, he's the funniest and cutest person out of the sidemen. Even though we barely spend time together, I still enjoy every single minute and I'm just scared if he doesn't feel the same.

"Well this is weird" Harry laughed and so did I even though it wasn't that weird to me.

"Please don't tell anyone about me being gay..." Harry added as his face turned red.

"I promise I won't but you have to do the same okay?" I smiled and he nodded.

"You wanna continue?"

"Definitely and you'll lose" I winked and Harry kicked the ball straight away to show me I was wrong.


"I don't care" Harry smirked and I chased after him.


"I'm out of breath" Harry wiped the sweat of his forehead and I laughed.

"Serves you right for stealing the ball" I grinned.

"Oh shut up Si"

My smile grew bigger by just looking at him.. he's perfect. I don't ever want to lose this guy and if I do, god knows what I would be doing.. probably losing interest in making videos that's for sure.

"Hey do you want to go winter wonderland with me tonight?" I asked him.

"I thought you would ask Talia, I swear she's in love with you" Harry chuckled (pretend Talia and Simon are just friends, I do love them sm tho)

"She said she's busy plus I don't mind going with you" I smiled and that was all lies, It would be more fun with Harry in my opinion. He's the most weirdest person but so shy in public which makes me laugh all the time.

"Okay Simon, I'd love to go with you. I don't have anyone to go with anyways" He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder.

Maybe I can shoot my shot there.. who knows what could happen. There might be rejection but at least I had a little bit of a good day right? Yeah.

"See you tonight then!" I winked and left while Harry grabbed his football and left too.


"JJ I'm back!" No answer.

"Ugh what was I expecting? He's never home." I rolled my eyes and relaxed on the coach loading up youtube.

I rewatched an old sidemen video, it was only an eating challenge and I already started to feel hungry. Looks like I might get a dominos or something to treat myself.. it's a favourite of mine afterall.


"Shit.. why did the time go so quick?!" I looked at my phone and quickly got ready before Harry would text or call me.

I grabbed some money for some donuts or just random things and soon headed out with a smile on my face. I was so excited but nervous at the same time.


"This is so beautiful.." My mouth opened as it was all decorated with Christmas lights and more.

"It really is huh?" Harry walked up to me and I suddenly jumped.

"Jesus you scared me."

"It's hilarious when you get scared though" Harry smirked and I crossed my arms.

"You get scared the most, oh god you sound like a girl most of the time with those screams-"

"OUCH!?" Harry punched my arm.


"You better watch it Guernsey boy." I whispered.

"Well damn okay Si" Harry chuckled and walked off making me chase after him again.

"We should go on the ferris wheel."

"It looks quite busy"

"Eh who gives a fuck" Harry grabbed my arm and off we went to the ferris wheel. This could be my opportunity.


"Thank you" I smiled to the guy who let us on the ferris wheel.

"I love looking up at the sky, especially the stars" Harry said.

"Why's that?"

"I don't know, its just peaceful and reminds me of someone."

"Oh" My eyes widened a bit when he said someone. I turned away from him and gulped.

"You okay?"

"I-I'm all good" I forced a smile as we slowly made it to the top.

"Tell me Si."

"Its nothing really."

"You're such a bad liar"

"Fine.. I-I like you." As soon as I said that, I wanted to get off but that soon changed after he did something.

Harry made me look into his eyes and suddenly kissed me and my eyes shot wide open from that. Harry soon pulled away after a few seconds but I wanted more so I smashed my lips against his and we both smiled.

"I-I wow.." I gulped again.

"I like you too Simon." Harry held my hand and It was so obvious that I was blushing.

"I can't wait to spend my future with you Harry Lewis." That definitely caused him to blush and it was the cutest thing ever.

"Me too Simon Minter."

A/N: omg this is too adorable-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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