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tw//: lowkey mention of suicide attempt

Vincent and I arrive
at the hospital, I'm
confused and have
a lot of questions
that I'll probably
never ask.

We meet Ryann's
dad and sister
Riley in the
waiting room. The
two look tense.

I didn't even
know Ryann was
depressed and
suicidal, she
seems so happy.
I hate that she
didn't tell me but,
I understand.

We follow them
to Ryann's room,
she's asleep.

I feel like this is
my fault, but I know
its deeper rooted.
She wouldn't do
this for attention,
she has more
attention than she

I sit down on the
little chair in the
corner and stare
at the floor, I want
to call Dixie to
come but I think
Ryann wouldn't
want many people

"I hope you wake
up soon." I whisper
looking over at

Vincent sitting on
the edge of the
hospital bed
watching Ryann,
his best friend, it
hurts me a little.
He's known her so
much longer and
something like
this, he must be

"I know we just got
here but we should
head home and
visit tomorrow."
Vincent suggests
as he stands up.

I nod and follow
him out of her room.
It'll be hard to sleep


I wake up feeling
like shit and in an
hospital bed, I know
what I did and
honestly I shouldn't
have done it. I don't
want to hurt anyone,
I'm just tired.

Surprisingly Charli
walks into the room,
and I'm glad to see
her. Things have
been crazy between
us but at the end of
the day we still both
have feelings.

This situation has
made me realize
I'm just being
stupid by making
us wait.

"Heyyyy." Charli
says dragging out
the y because
neither of us know
what to say.

"Hey, I just want
to say I'm sorry."
I say with a small
"sorry smile."

"You don't have
anything to be
sorry for." Charli
states with a
caring look.

I sigh and look
away before
stating, "I'm sorry
for everything I've
ever done."

I was a little harsh
with our
conversation a few
weeks ago but I
was just trying to
be honest.

"Don't be sorry, it's
okay." Char
chuckles putting
her hand on top of

"Who else knows?"
I ask sitting up in
the bed.

"Well your dad and
sister of course
plus Vincent and I,
no clue if Sophia
or Camille know."
Charli answers.

I nod and say,
"let's text them."
They are my best
friends and they
deserve to know,
plus I might get
stuck in impatient
for a few weeks.

I grab my phone
off the little slidey
table hoping it's
been charged.

Neither Charli or
I are saying much
but I think we both
agree the company
is comforting.

I text my friends
about my situation
and tell them we'll
talk about this
when they get here.

I don't want anyone
else to know, I don't
want people acting
differently around
me or people
criticizing me for it.

Vincent comes into
the room and gives
me a nice hug. Guys
hugs are lowkey the
best and that's
coming from a
bisexual girl with a
preference towards

"You guys want any
snacks?" Charli asks
as she stands up
probably wanting to
give Vincent and I
some time alone.

"Ooo I'd like some
cheez-its and a
Pepsi, I can give
you money."
Vincent chuckles.

"It's cool, it's just two
dollars." Charli
shrugs, "Ry you want

"I agree with Vincent,
Cheez-Its do sound
good." I answer with
a shrug.

Charli then leaves
the room to get us
our snacks. At least
Hospitals have
vending machines
because the
cafeteria food isn't
that great.

Vincent and I talk
for awhile, while
Charli got lost or

"So hows your
girlfriend?" I ask
Vincent curiously.

"She isn't my girl,
I haven't asked
her yet." Vincent
chuckles awkwardly.

"Damn Jayde will
be over you by the
time you ask her
out." I joke.

I have no words. Sorry this is
late as hell I was iffy about
finishing this story.


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