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"Listen up whores. I'm not lying when I say I'm Bipolar. And to call out my music taste? What is wrong with you? At least I don't listen to Cardi B. Even calling her 'music' is a big stretch." Jeremy began. Dear god... "And also to call my boyfriend a 'red flag' just because he has tattoos and piercings? So what? I have my ears pierced and tattoos. Not nearly as many as him. But I got tattoos. So stop it. Cause believe it or not, I'm human. And so is Chris." He then turned to Jonathan. "Get back to your spot, asshole."

He walked over there. He was so much shorter than I thought. Probably about 5'8. He looked up at him. It was truly hilarious.

"You have no right coming on my show, calling me names, and taking over!" Jonathan yelled.

"And you have no right talking shit or saying lies about me."

Jonathan then punched him in the gut. But Jeremy didn't flinch even a little.

"You wanna fight bitch?"

"You wouldn't! You're too pussy! You're in enough drama already!"

Jeremy threw his jacket off and punched Jonathan in the face. He then kicked his legs making him fall. He pulled him back up then put him in a headlock.

"Are you gonna keep telling fake ass news about people?" Jeremy asked.

"No!" Jonathan agreed.

"Are you ever going to even consider mentioning my name on your show again?"


Jeremy then let him go and grabbed his jacket.

"Fucking remember that. Cause if I ever hear my name leave your lips again... What I just did will fell like a damn cloud."

He then walked off. Audry and I followed him.

"Are you insane? You can't do that." I lectured him as we walked out of the building.

"And your point is?" He chuckled. His phone then started ringing.

"Hey Kelly. What's up."


"Hey Audry. Can you make sure there's a fireworks show saying fuck you at my funeral?" Jeremy joked.

Kelly just hung up. All of a sudden a bunch of people ran up to us. With cameras taking a bunch of pictures and yelling questions and yelling things. I was so overwhelmed. So confused.

Jeremy and Audry were about to escape. Expecting me to run with them. But I couldn't. I grabbed onto Jeremy's jacket.


I then blacked out. Before I could even finish saying his name.

I woke up on a hospital room. Only Audry was there. Jeremy wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Where's Jeremy?" I asked.

She looked up and saw that I was awake. She gasped. A little.

"When you went unconscious people kept taking pictures and wouldn't get out of the way. So Jeremy's amazing idea was to uppercut one of them and yeet their camera across the street. Then when cops showed up to arrest him he cursed them out. Then an ambulance finally came. He went to the police station, you can to the hospital. He told me to stay with you though."

"Holy shit." I said.


Jeremy then walked in. I think we literally just summoned him.

"So like, I just saw the camera dick who I fucked up on the sidewalk when I walked into the hospital and I think he's absolutely petrified of me now." He announced. He then saw me. "Oh thank god you're okay!"

"Who bailed you out?" Audry questioned.

"Nobody. I literally annoyed then enough for them to just straight up kick me out."

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