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Skies would only be blue with no clouds on the view:
Both literally and figuratively true;
These soft, light, puffy clouds gives a different hue,
For people who are looking up, like me and you.

Soothing colours of pastel on moving canvas,
Pink, peach, lavender, with li'l touch from King Midas;
A band of rich palette akin to a rainbow,
Gleaming opportunity for breathtaking photo.

Fluffy feature that'll fade away in the future,
Better catch this colorful mural in a picture:
For this cloud, the elusive floating furniture,
Takes part in sky's ever-fleeting architecture.

Like the clouds, everything in the world is transient,
So let us enjoy the gift of now: the present;
For the past and future are both nonexistent,
Past are now memories, while future's dependent.

We have to concentrate on the present moment,
Can't change the past, but can use it for improvement;
Can't predict the possibilities of future,
Yet, we can still be hopeful for the things we hope for.

Set aside fear and worry, enjoy the journey;
Let the future be present, unhurriedly;
Forget regret, learn from the past, and let it be;
Live in the present, cherish the moment, be happy.

Still, clouds are not always cottony-soft pillow,
At times, dark and heavy like water-filled cargo:
Transporting a torrential and persistent rain,
Blocking the sun like impenetrable curtain.

Then of course we can't always wear a happy face;
But don't worry 'bout rainy days, it's just a phase,
Dark gray clouds will all pass away on its own pace,
Then we'll feel the sun again like a warm embrace.

Remember that beyond these impervious veil,
The radiant sun still shines and will never fail;
Sunshine will then pierce through the thick clouds with it's rays,
Promising us new, sunny and colorful days.

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