are we really just friends

926 21 14

Kenya:Hey satoru Do we need anything from the store?

Satoru:yea were out of milks and eggs and I'm pretty sure orange juice

Kenya:ok I'll head to the store later


*later that day Kenya heads to the store and satoru is left alone at there apartment and satoru decides to take a nap*


*kenya gets home and hears satoru screaming and drops everything to go check on him*

Kenya:SATORU!*kenya wakes satoru*

Kenya:did you have a nightmare again

*Satoru now panting and struggling to speak:y-yea

Kenya:are you gonna be ok do you need water or something else

satoru:yea I'm sure I'll be fine but Kenya c-could you umm

Kenya:could I what?

*satoru blushing a bit*:c-could you stay with me for a minute

*kenya*:yea s-sure satoru

*kenya sits down nexts satoru*

*after about 5 minutes Kenya fell alseep on satoru's shoulder and satoru begins to blush and lot*

Satoru:god Kenya why the hell do you have to be super cute*he Pat's Kenya's head*

*satoru gets up and goes to the living room and sees Kenya  dropped everything and goes to pick it up*

*Satoru in his head:thank God only a few eggs broke and let's see the milk and orange juice aren't busted so that's good I better put eveything away and get the broken eggs cleaned up

*he gets things cleaned up and puts the rest of the undamaged eggs along with the milk and OJ in the fridge*

*kenya then wakes up and walks out and see what's going on*

*Kenya in his head*:wow satoru's pretty cute wait cute? Why the hell did I say that nvm

*kenya shakes his head to get the thought of satoru being cute out of his head*

satoru:oh hey Kenya didn't see you there,need something?

Kenya:ah no I just woke up and saw you weren't there so I got a little worried and went to come find you also sorry for dropping everything you see when I got home I heard you scream You son of a bitch and I dropped eveything to go check on you also did anything break or bust?

*satoru now blushing and hiding his face a bit*:wow Kenya that's really sweet of you and yes and no you see a few eggs broke but the juice and milk were ok

kenya:that's a relief and yea np You seemed like you were about to have a panic attack or an anxiety one so I was prepared to calm you down

Satoru:aww thanks also you know Kenya your one of my best friends

Kenya:heh...yea friends

(hello everyone Phantom here I want to say that I hope you really enjoy this fanfic Ik that erased isn't really a yaoi anime but I see that there aren't really any satoru x Kenya ship stories so I thought why not write one just for those satoru x Kenya shippers and also cuz I really like this ship too and stuff like that so Ik I'm gonna enjoy writing this story anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day/night byeeee)

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