More then a friend part 1

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(A week later Kenya had been starting to question if satoru was more then just a friend like a lover he also Stayed home that day so he could processe his thoughts while satoru went to work)

*kenya while sitting up in his bed:w-why I mean are we just friends If I do have feelings for satoru then would that ruin our friendship I-I need to maybe go talk to hiromi about this

*kenya gets up and gets in some jeans,boots and a dark blue hoodie that satoru let him borrow and as he's putting it on he begins to think about satoru and starts blushing at those thoughts*

*kenya heads over to hiromi's place and when he knocks on the door kayo answers*

Kayo:hey Kenya what brings you here

Kenya:well I came to talk to hiromi about something but let me guess he's at work right

Kayo:yea he is but if you want you could talk to me

Kenya:yea that would be great I just need to get something off my chest

Kayo:all right come in then*she lets Kenya in*

*after Kenya and Kayo are sitting*

Kayo:don't worry Mirai is down for a nap and probably won't be up until later so what do you want to talk about?

*Kenya hesitates to speak but then starts to form his words*:I-I think I-I m-might like satoru m-more then a friend

*kayo now a little bit surprised by what Kenya just said but then starts to speak*:so you're gay?

Kenya:I mean y-yea you could put it like that

Kayo:well I'm sure satoru will be so lucky to have a boyfriend like you

Kenya:W-wait you think so?

Kayo:yes I'm sure of it I mean you're always by his side and not mention I've talked to satoru a couple of times and when ever I bring you up in conversations I see he gets a bit red faced

*kenya now blushing a bit*:r-really he does


Kenya:wow that's just great so do you think I should ask him out or wait a couple weeks or months

Kayo:I think the best time would be now and I'm sure satoru would love to go out with you

kenya:thanks for letting me get it out of my system now I should probably get going

Kayo:all right and your welcome I know it can be hard to find someone to talk to about your feelings and you can always come to me

kenya:thanks Kayo see ya later

Kayo:see ya Kenya

*kenya begins to head home and continues to think about satoru about how cute he is and how kind and smart and then blushes deep red at these thoughts*

*kenya in his head*:I'm glad it's winter so people will just think my face is red from the cold or people would probably think I'm some kind of pervert or some shit like that

(Hello everyone Phantom here to tell you guys to have a good day/night and also Thanksgiving break is almost done for me so I might have less time to write fanfiction but I'll try to maintain a decent schedule and stuff like that anyway I hope you all stay safe and have a wonderful day/night byeeee)

A stary night(A Kenya x Satoru)Where stories live. Discover now