The date(last part of this story)

310 11 14

(Hello Everyone Phantom here so this is the last part of this story and I know people might say "no you should continue the story"however I don't really have any more ideas for this story so bare with me on this anyway  so I hope you liked this story and I hope you all have a good day or night byeee)

*It's the next day*

Kenya:morning satoru I made you some coffee

Satoru:thanks Kenya

Satoru:So Kenya I have a question

Kenya:yea Satoru whats up

satoru:So where do you want to go on a date today

Kenya:well I do have one place in mind but you probably think it's boring

satoru:aww come on tell meeee

Kenya:heh nope not gonna

*Satoru kisses Kenya on the cheek*

Satoru:now will you tell me

kenya:haha fine I'll tell you only because your so fucking cute

Kenya:well I thought we could get some more coffee and go watch that movie you've been dying to see this afternoon and to top it off we could go to the winter festival we both love so what do you think

Satoru:huh how in hells name is that boring that's the best date ever!

kenya:satoru you know I was kidding about it being a boring day I knew you would love it

Satoru:hey don't trick me like that

Kenya:wait did you actually fall for that I know your smarter then that

satoru:I'm tired so my brain is flopping on me

Kenya:lol ok then

*kenya kisses Satoru on the lips*

Kenya:now shall we get ready for this

Satoru:hell yeah I'm pumped for this date

(Time skip to the festival because that's the best part of the date)

*at the festival Satoru is looking at all the pretty lights*

Satoru:wow look at all these lights aren't they really pretty kenya

Kenya:yea there absolutely beautiful but now as beautiful as you

*satoru now blushing*:k-kenya that's really cheesy

Kenya:yea I know That's why I said it

satoru:haha whatever

Kenya:hey Satoru you hungry cuz I'm pretty hungry

Satoru:yes I need food I'm starving and I'll pay because you've payed for the movie and the tickets all I payed for was with the coffee so I'll pay for the food

Kenya:cool that means I don't have to pay

*after they get to the snack bar and sit down and eat there snacks they are about to head back to the parade but satoru has a different idea*

Kenya:all right now that were done let's head back to the parade

Satoru:actully Kenya I have a different idea come with me

kenya:All right lead the way

*after they get there*

Satoru:we're here

Kenya:w-what is this

Satoru:15 years ago I came to this tree before I took Kayo home also I wonder if the two red Fox's are here or maybe there children or grandchildren

Kenya:well this tree is abosolutely gorgeous

Satoru:Ikr it's a true Christmas tree

Kenya:yea it is

Satoru:Kenya look the Fox's there circling around us do you know that means


*satoru kisses Kenya on the lips and Kenya kisses back and the Fox's are in the back like yasss now this ship has set sail*

Kenya:Satoru Fujinuma will you be my boyfriend

*Satoru now crying a bit*:Of course I will kenya

Kenya:heh it really doesn't take a lot to make you cry does it

Satoru:Haha yeah it doesn't

*Kenya now holding satoru's hand*:Let's head home

Satoru:Yea let's go home Kenya darling

(Hello everyone I know I already said this but I really do hope you enjoyed this story and also I love how I decided to end this love story and I hope you all have a good day or night and I will be working on another story that I have had in mind for a while and I can't wait to start working on this and also I had a lot of fun writing this story anyway Ik I already said this but I hope you all have a wonderful day or night byeee)

A stary night(A Kenya x Satoru)Where stories live. Discover now