more then a friend part 2(final part of this section of the story)

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*after satoru got home*

Satoru:hey kenya

Kenya:hey satoru how was work


Kenya:wait why what happened?!

Satoru:you know us manga guys we sit all day God my back is fucking killing me

*kenya sighs of relief*

Satoru:all right I'ma go get changed and then make dinner

Kenya:no I can do it I mean your in pain so you need to go lay down and rest ok and try seeing if that weighted blanket does anything

satoru:kenya are you sure I mean you made dinner last night I-

Kenya:satoru fujinuma you need to rest ok


kenya:good and also I noticed you've been really tired latley so I would suggest you take a nap I mean ya know if you can

Satoru:all right

Kenya:I'll call you when dinner is ready

Satoru:ok thanks Kenya

Kenya:yea np

*Satoru in his head*:wow Kenya has been noticing little things about me and that's pretty sweet of him and cute I mean it's Kenya he's so fucking cute that I just can't help but smile at how he sweet he's been I mean yea I've had a crush on him for a while but wait! does he have a crush on me omg that would be great maybe I should confess to him soon

*after dinner Kenya goes to work on some papers and satoru decides to ask Kenya to watch a movie together*

*satoru really excited goes to ask Kenya while he's doing some work to ask if he wants to watch a movie*

Satoru:hey Kenya wanna watch a movie

*kenya a little started by satoru's sudden visit to his room*:huh

Satoru:I asked if you wanted to watch a movie

Kenya:yea I'd love too

satoru:great let's go watch it

kenya:ok*he gets up and goes with satoru to the living room*

*halfway through the movie satoru falls asleep on Kenya's lap and Kenya has what people call a intense gay panic attack*

Kenya:god satoru you're fucking cute yet weird at the same time

*satoru moves a bit and cuddles up to kenya and yawns cutely*

Kenya:*sigh* and I thought you couldn't get any cuter but you just made my heart die

(time skip to early in the morning it's the weekend)

*kenya wakes up*

Kenya:huh w-*he sees satoru sleeping and holding his arm*

*kenya in his head*:heh adorable

Kenya:hey satoru wake up

*satoru wakes up*

Satoru:huh what happened

Kenya:we both fell asleep while watching the movie

*satoru while stretching*:hmmm really


Satoru:w-wait did we fall asleep on each other

*kenya now blushing and turning his head away from satoru*:y-yea looks like it

*Satoru blushing deep red*:s-sorry about that

Kenya:ha why are you saying sorry it's not your fault people get tired plus I also fell asleep so think of it being both of our faults k


*Kenya now blushing deep red*:u-umm satoru there's something I need to tell you but I'll tell you tommorow ok

Satoru:sure Kenya also there's something I need to tell you tommorow


(Hello everyone Phantom here to tell you to have a great day Also I know this is kinda slow but that's because this is my second fanfiction and the first one I kinda rushed things so I hope you can forgive me about that also pls let me know if I'm rushing things anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day/night byeeeee)

A stary night(A Kenya x Satoru)Where stories live. Discover now