I love you

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(The next night the day was pretty normal except Kenya was acting really nervous the whole day and so was satoru)

*on the patio*

*Kenya holding satoru's hand*:S-Satoru I

Satoru:what's up Kenya you can tell me anything because we're friends

*Kenya :y-yea but satoru I-I want to more then friends l-like maybe*kenya gets kinda nervous and struggles to speak*

*Satoru blushing a bit*:so what your saying is you want to be You want to be lovers instead

*Kenya blushing deep red struggling to speak*:Y-yes and I h-

*under the stars satoru kisses Kenya on the lips*

*Kenya blushing deep red like fucking tomato red*:D-DID YOU KISS ME!(Kenya really fucking liked it)

*Satoru smiling and blushing*:Well I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't like you also Kenya the thing is I've liked you for a while now and I appreciate you a lot you have always been by my side and I Love you Kenya

*Kenya now blushing*:You do

Satoru:yes and I was hoping we could go on date

Kenya:me*kenya looks around*

Satoru:yes who else silly

Kenya:all right so where should go tommorow

Satoru:Hmmm how about that good cafe in town

Kenya:sure that sounds great

*after Kenya and satoru go to bed satoru has a bad nightmare and goes to ask Kenya if he can stay with him for the night*

Satoru:Pssst Kenya are you awake

*kenya half asleep/half awake*:hmm what's up satoru

satoru:I had a pretty bad nightmare and I know this sounds kinda childish

Kenya:Let me guess you want to stay with me tonight right

*satoru in his head:huh is he a witch just like mom!

Satoru:heh yeah so can I

Kenya:C'mon here you cutie

Satoru:heh thanks

*satoru climbs in the bed next to Kenya*

Satoru:thanks Kenya

Kenya:ofc satoru anytime now let's head to bed we have a lot to do today


*kenya kisses satoru good night*

Kenya:good night satoru

satoru:good night Kenya

(Hey everyone Phantom here sorry for the late upload like I said before I might not upload due to school and so I'll try to maintain a decent schedule and stuff like that anyway I hope you all have a good day/night byeeeeee)

A stary night(A Kenya x Satoru)Where stories live. Discover now