🌸Fire to the skys!🌸

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Kokichi and saihara intertwined eachothers hands as they walked to the firework festival. Kokichi walked in front with a lantern in his had as saihara helled an umbrella in his hand as the rain poured down along kokichi a back.

"Kokichi?....a-are you sure you want to do this....it's raining....and your kimono and geta clogs are drenched...."

"Nishishi~! Shushu's such a worry wort! It's fine! Plus I have you heared that there are going to be more fireworks this year? We totally have to see this in person!"

"I-... hehehehehe okay!....but please get under the umbrella your going to get a cold...."

"Nahhhh I'll be fine! Shumai worry's way too much for his pretty head!"

"....I'll pay for a 2 litre bottle of panta if you go under the umbrella...."

".....saihara-chains realllllly sneaky
....I like that nishishishishi!"

Kokichi stopped and waited for saihara to catch up until he kissed his cheek and continued walking next to him instead of dragging him along.

".....What do you want to do first and please don't ask for cotton cand-"

"Can I get some cotton candy?"

".....Kokichi I'll get drenched this umbrella is bad enough as it it to be honest and-"

"It'll be fiiine!"

"Hmmmmm there really is no winning with you isn't there?"

"Shumai should know that by now where been together for like a thoooouuusssaaaand years!"

"That would be a little bit of an overstatement-"

"Shushu don't take things at face value okayseise? You sound like a kid when there parents say they where "wrestling" but we all know that timmys mom just got lai-"

"L-Kokichi stop! There are kids around! You can't just throw innuendoes out like that!"

"But it's so sad Timmy will never understand!"



"I-......n-never mind..."

"Hehehehe I'm treasuring that one forever!"

"P-lease don't...c-can we talk about something else-"

Okay how about-..... what's your thoughts on having kids?"

"I-....now I know your just teasing me....."

"Nahhhh I'm being totally serious....does shumai want to have kids?"

"W-well maybe but.....that's a big commitment....right? Doesn't talking about these things kind of make you upset?"

"Jeeez it was just hipoferical-"


"......as i was saying until I got RUDELY silenced I just wanted to know if there was ever a chance that could happen or shumai would want that to happen..."

"I-....you've been thinking about it lately haven't you....?"

"Well yeah but-"

"Then yes I would love to have kids with you one day..."

Kokichi swears to god that his face had just invented a new shade of red.....

"Shumai a super silly...total idiot...no fun at all..."

"But that's a lie right?"

"Of course it is-"


"Oh the fireworks are starting kichi!"

"Yeah....I can see..."

The two watched I awe as the fireworks lit up the sky with light.... it was stunning even in the rain....maybe even better in rain.

"Hey shumai.....?"


"I love you....like a lot....."

"Love you too honey"

Saihara kissed kokichi cheek as the last and brightest firework went off...

Life was short but they wouldn't spend it with anyone but each other....how could they not?

This series's is going to have pretty short chapters but that means I'll be able to make a lot in a short amount of time.
I'll post one every Saturday unless I tell you something's up.

🌸(omasai/saioma) those that cry for wisteria🌸Where stories live. Discover now