Ep7 pt1. Perfect harmony

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The Hollywood ghost club was packed with ghosts and lifers alike, applauding the infamous Caleb Covington's performance. One of those people in the crowd was the partially brainwashed nick, waiting for Caleb's next plan of action.

After the show, nick wandered to the backstage to find Caleb all ready  for him.
"Prepare yourself Nicholas, for it is time for you to get ready for that play of yours with miss molina" grinned Caleb "open night shall be eventful"

2 weeks later

Julie and nick were rehearsing lines together, they also had a duet to do but in all honesty she wasn't really into it. Ask her a few months ago she'd squeal with excitement but after meeting the guys, nick just seemed... dull.. don't get her wrong, nick was a great guy and all but they didn't have the same connection she had with... other people.

Preforming night was tomorrow, they'd been rehearsing for a while now and she still didn't think she was ready, despite her nerves she was pretty excited.


The next day

Julie sat in the dressing room with Flynn, she was playing the nurse and it was great to be in the musical together playing such close roles but Flynn still hated the whole Romeo and Juliet concept.

The boys were with her too, they weren't in the production since they were still relatively new to the school but they still wanted to see Julie blow everyone away.

At last it was time, the scene was set and everyone was doing an incredible job. After nick did his bit he left the stage and suspiciously scrabbled away behind a door, nobody saw... except Alex.

Filled with curiosity and a gut feeling telling his something awful wrong is going on, Alex followed nick without a sound. Luke was to busy being memorised with Julie and Reggie was to busy making fun of Luke to even notice Alex slip away.

Alex hid behind a chest full of instruments, spying on nick who was patiently waiting for someone to arrive.

He couldn't believe what he saw; he clenched his jaw trying not to let a surprised noise escape from his mouth, his bones chilled looking at the man in front of him. Caleb Covington.. working with nick? Why on earth would nick do that? At this point in time that didn't matter, he needed to warn the others.

"You can come out now, Alex" said Caleb sending a horrible shoot of a mix of shock and fear through Alex "you didn't think I'd give up that easy... did you?"



Julie was doing the most well know part in the whole play- the balcony scene. She was doing a great job but the only problem is nick missed his cue so for the past minute she'd been dragging out the scene.

From behind the curtain, Luke, Flynn and Reggie were just as confused and to add onto their confusion, Alex had also gone missing.

Fortunately, an idea popped into Flynn's mind
"Gotta make do with what you got" she muttered, grabbing Luke by the collar and pushing him onto the stage.

Luke stumbled forward before turning around comically to face the laughing audience, giving a little wave to them.
"Yes it is I, Romeo... I got plastic surgery and dyed my hair so that is why I am now much better looking" he claimed feeding the audience's giggles

Julie was just confused, she gave a baffled look to Luke but he merely shrugged not knowing where nick had gone. It was time for the duet but Luke didn't know the song so he had to improvise praying to god Julie didn't kill him for this, picking up the nearby guitar he began.


It has been awhile people and I do apologise for that, my schedule has returned back to normal now so next update is Tuesday.

I think you all guessed the song ;)

It's not very long and isn't my greatest work but it'll do, I had a little writers block but now I know exactly what I'm doing, hope you enjoyed and thanks for 20k reads, it means so much to me that you enjoy my book 💞


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