Ep7 pt3. Perfect harmony

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Alex lied partially conscious, he didn't know where he was but it was cold in there, cold and uncomfortable. His eyes stung and both is wrists and ankles ached from being tied together with rope, He tried to scream but it was no use, his mouth had been taped shut.

The strange, blurry, enclosed area started to move was he in a vehicle? Yes, he was, presumably a van with the size of it and yet, he had no clue who was driving it.

He tried to recall the past events in his mind until he remembered being injected with something by Caleb. Remembering the event, the small wound sent a sharp pain through his body as he tried to get up. He couldn't.

Until he stopped. And the van began to drive, very, very fast.


The show was a huge success, Luke had remembered most of the lines and for the ones he didn't, he improvised. About 15 minutes after it ended Reggie and Flynn met up with a flustered Julie and a messy- haired Luke backstage.

"I can't find Alex anywhere" said Reggie in a concerned voice "where do you think he went? Do you think he's ok?"

"I'm sure he's fine, probably with Willie. C'mon let's go look for him" Luke optimised, following Julie outside of the school On a small street road nearby leaving Reggie and Flynn to look for the drummer themselves.

Julie was walking at an usual pace, smugly and proudly yet full of awareness just in case alex might be in sight. Luke grinned and poofed in front of her stopping her dead in her tracks.

"I still can't believe it" she smiled gently placing her hand over his chest, He took it of gently after a moment and placed her hand in his kissing them softly.

"Yeah me either"


Fifteen minutes before

Julie and Luke bowed and exited the stage eagerly, they wandered out the main hall were the musical was taking place and into the empty corridors.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!" She jumped in his arms as he caught her while chucking and spinning her around

"YOUR ALIVE!!!" She continued when Luke put her down, she was so happy, finally everything seemed to be falling into place.
She impulsively planted a quick kiss on his lips, it lasted about 5 seconds before he pulled away just staring at her.

Oh no. She'd ruined it! She wanted to slap herself, how could she be so stupid? now everything she had with him was over... but that wasn't the case because a few moments later he was crashing his lips back on hers.

// hello again, it's amber, Charlotte's better sister. I shall be writing up to the point were the flashback is over because lotta can't write *cough* good *cough* kissing scenes and I volunteered because I'm incredible and kind.. it get pretty heated so beware I guess//

Luke deepened the kiss by gliding his tongue against Julie's bottom lip slowly, she grabbed the back of his neck pulling him into her even more, never breaking the kiss.

For her first kiss, this was pretty intimate.. and incredible, definitely incredible. He picked her up, placing her back against the wall and allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist.

After several minutes of kissing, Luke made a trail of kisses from her jaw to her neck where he was currently attacking at, letting Julie run her hands through his hair.

The doors swung open as hundreds of parents left the hall causing Luke to shoot back immediately and detach his lips from her throat, they both laughed and ran back inside the hall together.


"Shouldn't we look for Alex?" Luke asked walking onto the road, even in there current situation he couldn't stop smiling at her.

"Yeah we should" she smiled back at him.. until she saw a van heading towards them rapidly And Luke was in the not having the slightest clue it was coming.

She had to do something, she wasn't gonna waste his opportunity to be human again, she knew what she was doing and the outcome but he meant way to much to her.

"LUKE, LOOK OUT!" She cried, pushing him out the way so he went crashing down on the sidewalk and she face to face with the speeding vehicle.



Someone kill me now. I can't believe I allowed my sister to put that in my book, send help.

I wasn't even planning a juke kiss and now here we are with them having a full on make out session. 0_0
I- I'm done-

I feel so evil, giving you guys juke the this happening, like dangling a carrot then ripping it away lol

Also recommend some songs for me for the next two episodes please And I did two chapters in one day to make up for the lateness

Anyway hope u likey

Lotta 💕

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