Christmas in the studio ~Juke~

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Oop-okay, welcome to my first chapter of this book, if you have any ideas or even ships you want to see, lemme know!

Hehe this includes Juke
(I was going to have it include Willex but I'll save it for another time-...👀)


*after season 1 (only a little after)


Julie walked into the studio and was immediately greeted by a very happy Reggie. "Hey Julie!" He waved his hand happily to the girl, with his face curled in a smile. Christmas was coming soon, and even if it wasn't always the best time with his parents, he still loved it either way.

She looked at Reggie and smiled. "Hey Reggie, what's up?" Out of nowhere he ran over to a corner of the studio and did a little happy hand gesture to a pile of Christmas decorations. "Luke said he's going to help me decorate this place! isn't that awesome?"

Julie slowly walked over to the assortment of decorations, usually she would hate the idea of putting Christmas decor up in the studio. It reminded her a lot of her mom, but this time she knew she was ready. "Yeah, this is going to be fun!" She replied to him.

While she was looking at all the decorations with Reggie, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.

It was Luke. 

Julie turned around and smiled at the male who oddly looked really nervous, which is something you normally wouldn't see from him. "Uh, Hey Jules..Reg, can you give us a minute?" He turned his head to him.

Reggie nodded and gave a little smirk to him, teasing as he poofed out. Julie furrowed her eyebrows a little as she looked at Luke. "Is something wrong?" Julie asked, Luke shook his head no. "I-well, y''s getting close to Christmas-" Luke cut himself off, he then quickly pulled out a mini box that was in his hoodie pocket.

"I got you this, it's a bracelet." He opened the box and showed the little bracelet. It was silver with the words "stand tall" on it, next to the words was a microphone with little glitter pieces. "It's okay if you don't like it. I completely understand-"

Julie hugged him, wrapping her hands around him. "I love it." Luke was a bit caught off guard by the hug, but when he realized what was happening he melted into it smiling a little, as he felt her warmth on him. She put her head up and blushed a little realizing what she just did. 

You would think she would of stopped hugging him right then in there if she wanted to keep her crushing for him a secret, but nope. Julie kept her hands wrapped around Luke while she stared at the bracelet that was still in his hands. "How did you get that to be made?" I mean, to be fair the boys could only sometimes get themselves to be seen by people now. It was rare though.

"Oh, apparently Willie knows a ghost who can make jewelry." Luke said as he looked down at her. God she was beautiful, it was hard for him to not just stare at her all day..but what if she doesn't feel the same feelings for him? Julie nodded to his words, and exhaled a little as it started to get a little awkward without any of them talking.

"Hey, do you want to maybe watch some Christmas movies with me? I mean only if you want." He asked a bit anxiously, waiting for her response. why did she make him lose his basic skills to flirt?

Julie smiled and gave a little nod. She got out of the hug but almost immediately regretted it a little, she loved being near him. 

Luke secretly felt a bit disappointed as she let go, he glanced a bit at the bracelet that had stayed in his hand the whole time. Without even thinking he put it around Julie's arm, for a split second their hands touched, which obviously made the two flustered. Julie looked away and stood there for a second before going over to the couch where they had a tv. Luke followed her and sat down on the couch. He watched as Julie went through Netflix and Disney+

"Wait, stop!" Luke said, his face lit up in excitement as he saw "The Muppet Christmas Carol" pop on the screen. It was his comfort movie when him and his mom got into fights, it made him feel safe. A warm feeling in his stomach started forming, at this point he really couldn't tell if it was the movie, or the really pretty girl sitting right next to him.

Julie looked at him and realized this was important to him, even if it was just a movie. She didn't even need for him to say anything. She hit play and looked back at him. Luke looked away from her. He felt embarrassed by the excitement that he had over a kid's movie.

Of course, she noticed this quickly and by instinct Julie went closer to him and nuzzled her head into his chest. She didn't even care about hiding her feelings anymore, she just wanted to make Luke happy.

Luke blushed profusely as he felt her go onto his chest.

A few minutes had past and Julie's breathing was getting slower, she just felt so safe and sound when she was around Luke.

Luke could feel Julie's body get more limp as she slowly fell asleep, he moved his head back more onto the couch and sighed happily. The quiet sound of the tv in the background made him more calm then ever, but what really made him feel like he was always going to be okay was the one and only, Julie.

His butterfly.



I didn't mean for this whole chapter to be just Juke but I'm not complaining-
Fluff makes my heart happy-✨
Also ik this wasn't super Christmas like-butttt idk it made me happy so pftt-

Anywayssss I hope people will actually read this and like it.
If you have any ideas for this book please don't hesitate to tell me about it!


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