over thinker ~Willex~

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I told ya'll some Willex was coming and here I am >:)

this is set in 2020 in a au where the boys don't die and just have a band with Julie normally- but WhO CArEs aBout thAt. WE GOT WILLEXXX


TW: Homophobia (it's briefly talked about for only a second, but just in case)


Alex was roaming around his favorite book store. The coziness of the little family owned business always gave him comfort, whether if he was just looking for a new book, or getting a coffee which they conveniently sold. Today was different then his regular routine, even if he didn't know it yet.

He gazed upon the newly stocked books, Alex always wondered why new books always smelled so fresh. I mean, yes he knew why they actually smelled fresh but when he pondered about it more it always made him think deep. Maybe he was just a over thinker..but it always made him think about if they threw away the old books. When the people around him got tired of him..would they do the same, throw him out? 

'God Alex, can you be normal and think about normal things for once' He took a deep breath and kept staring at the books in front of him.

Alex's deep thinking was cutoff when he heard the bell on top of the door ring, he turned his head and was immediately starstruck by the guy who was entering. His eyes were so welcoming and warm, Alex could feel his cheeks getting slightly hot. He quickly moved his head away so he didn't look creepy just staring at the dark, curly haired male.

The next few minutes were filled with Alex peeking behind the bookshelf at the boy who had ordered a coffee, and sat down at a seat in the corner. He couldn't help but be intrigued by the male, something about him made Alex want to learn more. Out of nowhere he got a sudden burst of confidence and without even thinking he started walking over to him.

When he finally got over there to him he stuttered to make something out.

"uh-h-hey, sorry, this is really weird I know but-"

Little did Alex know that the enticing male had also already had a eye for Alex, as soon as he walked in his eyes went to his blonde, shiny hair.

"I don't think it's weird, wanna sit?"

Alex was surprised that he was so cool about it. He didn't say anything, he just nodded and sat down. "So, what's your name?" His brain had finally calmed down, and he was letting himself relax and try to get to know him.

"Willie, yours?"

' Willie, Willie, Willie ' 

Alex loved that name, he kept replaying the name in his head. Quite frankly it suited him. He's so cute, it's not everyday that you meet a boy who is as nice and sweet as Willie. Alex quickly snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh, i'm Alex. Do you come here a lot, or is this your first time?" He smiled.

Willie had already learned a lot of things from Alex just by talking to him for starters, when he was nervous he'd stutter, and he had a adorable smile..like, really adorable.                                         

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