chapter twenty-one // dumb decisons

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Santana Pov-
Today is just a casual day at work and Im pretty bored . Since Im bored , everyone is getting on my nerves . Kurt & Blaine been helping me while Rachel is at rehearsal for her show. She started back sleeping at our house again , Her and Quinn been arguing too much lately or whatever . Brittany been irritated with Rachel also & i've been going to the jail to see Emily and Dani but only Blaine and Rachel knows .. They promise they wouldn't tell . Ooh someone's at the door . I gotta go .

" Come in" I said and I looked up to See Britt coming in . " Hey babe " She says smiling and giving me a sub . " Hey hot lips , Is this subway ?" I asked . She nodded , I blew her a kiss and started eating . " Thank you , I've been starving . Between meetings and phone calls . I didn't get to go to lunch ." I told her and she nodded. " I understand babe . Anyways , Have you talk to Rachel ?" She asked . I nodded . " not since yesterday when she came home , why ?" I said sitting up . Britt sighed . "Quinn been crying lately . And I'm kinda getting pissed off about it . Rachel cares about that stupid show more than her girlfriend . Not to mention Hudson been sleeping with either me or Blaine also every night now . Tonight , I'm coming over and im gonna have a talk with her " She says . I face palm myself . " Brit , she's not gonna listen . I known Rachel for years . When she starts doing something, she's committed to it and it only . Kinda like me " I told her shrugging my shoulders . Brittany shook her head . " That isn't right Santana and you know it " She says . " I'm just saying Brit .. In a week they're gonna be alright and all good ." I said smiling . She laughed dryly . " you mean to tell me . YOU wouldn't be upset that i'm not treating you right because of some dumb show ?" She asked . I shook my head . " Exactly what Im saying brit " I told her . " You're lying because you know you'll be upset and be in your feelings knowing Im not showing you no attention or anything.. this conversation is pointless . I don't like the way Rachel is treating my bestfriend ." She says before walking out the door . " I'm still coming over , me and quinn " She says walking out . I don't understand what I did and why she's getting mad . Rachel is taking care of her business that's all .
At SRK house

Brittany pov -
Me and Quinn just arrived at Santana house . I'm so irritated . Santana knows what Rachel's doing is wrong but she still took up for her mistakes . I don't like seeing Blaine or Quinn upset because it makes me upset . Now i'm gonna give Rachel Berry a piece of my mind & Yes I told Quinn about my little talk with Rachel and she's fine with it . I looked to the right of me and see Quinn in a trance .

" Hey Q , You good ? " I said poking her . She blinked a few time and smiled softly and nodded . "yes but B don't hurt her okay ? you know how you get .. remember in high school " She says . Back in high school.. I kinda sorta broke some girl nose for bullying Unique. I mean I don't like bullying. So I kindly punched her and went back to the shy innocent girl . " I can't promise that "I said getting out the car with Quinn following me . I knocked on the door . To my surprise , Blaine answered it . We spoke to him and headed to the kitchen . " Hey B , Hey Q" Kurt says . I nodded. Quinn gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Santana looked at me and smiled softly. I just stared at her & rolled my eyes . "Wheres Rachel ?" I asked . Santana looked down , Blaine and Kurt looked confused. " I'm here " I heard behind me . I turned around & saw her . " We need to talk " I said going to sit down at the table . She followed me & so did the rest . " What's going on ?" She asked . Quinn looked at me , Santana looked at her & still, Blaine and Kurt are confused. "I don't like the way your treating my bestfriend ." I told her . She looked at me . " Brittany, I'm sorry if you feel someway about this but you should know our relationship isn't your business so please -" She started to say but I laughed . " oh shut up , it became my business when she's crying at night or when her son sleeps with me and Blaine because his mother is crying every night . So don't dare tell me it's not my business " I said clearly irritated . " You know , Hudson looks up to you Rachel , Did you know he wants you to be his momma ? " I tell her . She looks at me with shock written on her face . " I KNOW ." She started to say . " I know this . We had this talk . I told him that we would have to talk to Quinn about it . But it was during last year and we were busy putting together this Christmas trip and things and it slipped my mind . " She says looking around . Blaine and Kurt just stares at us . Santana and Quinn are communicating with each other by eyes . " You know , Brittany . I actually liked you but now.. I see why nobody wants you around . I actually see why Savannah beat on you . You try putting on this tough girl act but deep deep inside you're still this scared little girl ." She says smirking & I heard someone gasps, Pretty sure it was Kurt . "Rachel.. if I were you , I'll watch the next set of words carefully." Santana says glaring . " No Santana since we're putting it out there , Did you tell her how your going to the jailhouse and seeing Dani and Emily ? " She questioned . I widen my eyes & looked at Santana and she looks guilty. I got up and punched rachel & kept punching her until I saw blood . " BRITTANY NO " I think Blaine yelled . But I don't stop . " YOU BITCH" I screamed . Once Blaine and Kurt get me off of her . I looked at Santana and shook my head . " You told me you will never forgive them , yet you're sneaking behind my back ." I said almost crying . " ohh you little son of a dumb blonde. " I hear Rachel scream . I ran back & kicked her in the stomach. " Don't call me that " I said before punching her one more time . " Who else knew ?" I asked . Blaine & Santana looked away & Kurt looked shocked . "Blaine knew before me ? " I asked san & she looked down . "Blaine you're my bestfriend.. we don't keep secrets from each other.. I- I see what kinda people you are.. Kurt you're boyfriend here is a liar just like my "girlfriend" " I said taking the necklace Santana gave me off before throwing it at her . I walked out the door and down the street . " Brittany wait" I heard behind me . I turned around to see Santana holding the necklace "Santana leave me alone . " I told her . " I'm not .. Come back & I'll tell you the story " She says . I laughed & shook my head. " I don't care about no story! YOU SAW WHAT THEY DID TO ME , WHAT THEY DID TO YOU . AND YET YOU'RE SEEING THEM.. I CANT BELIEVE YOU . " I screamed . "THE WORST PART YOU TOLD EVERYONE ELSE KNEW BUT ME , KURT , AND QUINN " I said still screaming . " I didn't tell you because I knew you would get like this Brit." She says walking towards me . " You think I'm stupid ?"I said laughing dryly . She looked at me with shock written on her face ."What ? Baby no.. I don't.. you're the smartest person Ive known . " She says . I just shook my head. " I promised I wouldn't lie to you or hide anything from you, yet, You've went behind my back and saw them . Just great . oh yeah , don't think about coming after me" I said walking away
Next Morning
Santana Pov-
Last night, I knew I messed up bad ..Your probably wondering why I'm seeing Dani and Emily .. And to tell you the truth , while Blaine and Brittany were on Tour . I gotten a call from the jail saying how Dani and Emily were doing life . They asked to see me again . So I went , they apologized but I didn't and still don't forgive them for what they've done to me and Brittany & If I could take it back . I would.. Anyways , they wanted to see me before they got put away for life . Now Brittany won't speak to me , Rachel quit the show because of her face . I was being the worst girlfriend ever . I just have to get Britt to talk to me again . Anyways, i have to go . Someone is knocking at my door.

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