chapter twentynine - Spending the day with Auntie Sanny & Auntie Britty

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Brittany Pov-
Today I decided that me and San are taking the kids out .. to y'know .. spoil them . We're taking them Jumping Jacks , Toys R Us , & McDonalds . Knowing Santana, She'll wanna take them everywhere around New York. We decided to take the biggest truck because we have 5 kids with us today & they wasn't gonna fit in no small car . Today's gonna be so FUN !

" Babe are the kids ready ?" San screamed at me . She's right in the bathroom . " I mean 4 of them already here , we're waiting for Jackson " I said . "Oh okay" she says & walked out the bathroom in some white tee , some shorts and her air forces . "Ouu sexyyyy" I getting out of the bed. " Thankss babe . Now go get ready . I'll be in the game room with the kids." She says and I smiled and nodded . She smacked my butt as I was walking away .

Santana Pov-
Today we're taking the kids out for fun stuff so they can get comfortable with each other. I'm gonna spoil them because they're my babies and I love them so so much . I'm heading to the game room because that's where they're at right now . When I walk in , I see Jada & Flynn playing the wii, & Jaiden & Hudson playing with legos . Them shits hurt , I cried one day because the boys left them everywhere in this room . Brittany had to finish for me .

" Oh Hi Auntie Sanny" Jada says as she noticed me first . I smiled . " Hi Jellybean , Jai , Huddy & Flynnie" I say taking a sit on the beanbag . They're all dressed and ready to go . " What are we doing today ?" Flynn asked . I smirked . "It's a surprise lovely" I said to him . He smiled at me . " Oh Hey Carmen & Jackson is here . Now Jada & Jaiden , Don't give Brittany and Santana a hard time " Paul says as he walks in . " Yes dad!" They said giving him a hug . "See you kiddos later , I'm gonna go shopping" He says & he leaves out . " Okay guys come on , we're gonna wait for Auntie Brit in the living room." I told them . They all ran expect Jada . " You look very pretty auntie sanny " she tells me. I smiled . " Thanks princess , you look adorable." I tell her because she looks down and blush . " Come on" I said as she grabs my hand . When we got to the living room . We saw brittany with a diaper bag , Jack Jack in her arms and the boys standing by the door . " Well . Looks like everyone is ready ! LETS GO HAVE FUN " I screamed running out the door . They screamed & followed behind me to the big truck .
Toys R Us

The first place we stopped at was Toys R Us . They got a lot of toys& how many , I stop counting at 4 . But it's okay cus I'm spoiling them hehe .

" Can I get a princess dolls ? " Jada asked & I smiled . " Yes baby you can " I tell her and she ran to go get one . When she came back she put the dolls in the cart . " I'm gonna name them Sanny and Britty" She says . I smiled & my heart ! I wanna baby girl ! " Yay okay come . Hold on to the cart & don't let go " I tell the kids . " You too Britt" I say. She rolled her eyes playfully & smiled . " Toys" Jake Jake says & I smiled. . " That's right Jack Jack, Toys" Brittany says smiling . I let them get a couple of more toys before we left to go to jumping jacks.
Jumping Jacks

Brittany Pov:
We're at jumping jacks & IM SO EXCITED . The kids are too . San's gonna watch Jackson while I take the kids to play on the equipment they have . This is gonna be so so fun ! okay bye guys .

" You guys have your socks on ? " I asked . They all nodded . " Great Let's go ." I said running towards the trampoline and jumping on them with the kids . I'm glad I don't have fans that are here cause then they would ruin today & we can't have that , can we ? Seems like everyone is having a great time . Santana and Jack Jack even came and joined us too . " Today was great , Thanks Auntie Britty & Auntie Sanny " Hudson says . "Yeah ! today was awesome . You guys are the best" Jaiden says . I smiled . " Aww you guys are sweet . There's no need to thank us . We'll spoil you everyday like it's Christmas " San says and I nodded agreeing with her . We jumped for about two more hours .. maybe three until we all got hungry .
At McDonald's

When we go there , the kids wanted to play in the treehouse so we decided to sit down and eat our food . I got chicken nuggets because they are the best of the best . all the kids either got chicken nuggets or cheeseburger & San got a McChicken . Once they were finished . They took Jackson & they went to go play in the treehouse . " Today was great babe ." I told san . She looked at me & smiled . "Yeah ? most definitely was" She says smiling at the kids while they play . " I hope we have a family like this one day " She says smiling . " we will . We'll adopt a boy & girl , then you will get pregnant and then next go around , I'll get pregnant & boom , then we'll get another dog like Dallas & then our family is complete" I tell her . She leaned over and gave me kiss . " I love you sweet thang" She says . I blushed . " I love you too lovely " I said winking . We watched the kids play til they feet hurt & then we we home . I hope that one day , me & sanny family is like this because I love this life I'm living.

look , i know this ain't long but i was tired while typing this .. so don't judge me .. anyways Peace and Love , Bree 🥰

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