Chapter 13: Inside His Head

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I worked on the plans for a few hours after that, taking note upon note in my journal. I want every possible outcome covered. My mind longs to find a solution with no other possible outcomes than Knight's death. I realize that soon I will have no choice but to tell everyone my plans, even if I don't quite trust them fully.

Eventually, I felt myself losing focus, a feeling that I hate so much. My eyes became heavy and I could no longer continue writing, so I closed up my book and placed it to the side. I pulled up my podcasts on my phone and started listening again. Closing my heavy eyes and falling back into the bed made a sense a peace wash over me, as though I had fallen into water. I don't really know when, but at some point, I fell asleep.

My dream was short and completely different than those that I'm used to. The dream felt like Rachel's, but instead with an orangish hue as opposed to blue and purple. My body is plagued with immediate emotions, fear and anger being the loudest.

I'm looking at a lake with a small cottage on it. One second it seems completely peaceful, so still, it could have been a painting. It's only when I look around that things begin to change.

Suddenly, the cottage is on fire. The flames are everywhere and although I'm not cold, a shiver runs down my spine. I'm yelling, screaming actually. My voice is scratchy and hoarse. I'm saying someone's name as I run towards the cottage. My heart stops for a second when I see a little girl in the upstairs window looking at me. Her bright blue eyes meet mine and a wave of fear and sadness rolls over me. My body wants to save her, but in my heart, somehow I know it's no use.

I yell at her to jump, but she screams back that she can't. My body runs towards the building, feeling the need to get her. As I reach the door I throw it open, running up the stairs as the flames lick my heels. I push open her room door and scream the name that comes to my lips, "Bella!"

I grab her body and run, trying to carry her out of the collapsing building. Her body lays limp in my arms and I let out cough after cough, each one filled with the dark smoke. The ambulance and fire trucks pull up the driveway as I run out the front door. I'm screaming her name as I pass her body to the medic. I close my eyes and feel tears run down my face. He starts chest compressions, trying at all cost to get a pulse. Each push sinks deep into her chest, no doubt breaking ribs. 

As the medic pushes to a steady beat, time seems to slow down around me. Each second takes longer than normal and I feel as though everything stops. As it does, my ears begin to ring and I look around, trying to escape the nightmare.

Suddenly the ringing stops and when I look back I understand the look in the medic's eyes. His partner stands beside him, "Got a pulse at all?"

He shakes his head.

I suddenly open my eyes, finally escaping the nightmare. I gasp for air, trying to make my breathing steady. The dream was nothing like Rachel's. It seemed like a memory. One that someone no-doubt wishes they could forget. Although the room is dark, I look down at my arms. They appear normal, but I can't shake the feeling of holding the little girl's limp body. Her name echoes inside my head. Bella. As I finally put everything together I feel a hot tear fall down my face.

I hear a sudden knock on the bedroom door and jump up. "Who is it?"

I hear Ian's raw voice, "Jupiter, I think we need to talk."

I open the door and look up at him, seeing his swollen bloodshot eyes, "I don't know what happened, I didn't mean to."

"I felt you in my head. I know what you saw. Jupiter, you can't run from this. It's all too messy now."

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