Chapter 1: The one with the song

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It all started on March 25th, on Joey's birthday

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It all started on March 25th, on Joey's birthday. It was a sunny day and we had all met in the building. Even Chandler and Monica, who now lived out of town, were there.

But Joey wasn't there, because we wanted to give him a surprise, one he had only dreamed of: I was finally going to confess my feelings for him.

I was married to Mike and I was supposed to be his devoted wife, but I was sick of it. I had been married to him for 2 years and I was starting to feel a little bit bored, because I knew he wasn't the one.

Joey was the perfect match for me, beacause he was funny and charming. I don't really know why I married Mike, because I knew it since I met him.

I suppose, that I convinced myself to love somebody else, because our relationship seemed pointless. In the end, we were friends and no one knew about the times we slept together. Not even Chandler.

However, it was the moment to do something about it and about the love I felt for him, because I could feel we were ment to be and I couldn't stand anymore the idea of being without him. My love for him was getting to a point ehere it just felt uncontrolable. So I went to his apartment and knocked at his door and when he opened I gave him a kiss.

He was freaking a little bit out because I was his friend and he didn't expect that from me, because I was a married woman, but then he took me to his kitchen and started to kiss me more.

"Listen Joey.... I love you, I've loved you since the first time I saw you. And I don't want to be without you anymore. I know I'm married with Mike, but I can't keep liying to him like that..." I told him. 

"Wow!" He said "I love you too, and I can't believe this.... This is the best birthday ever!" We chuckled and he held me in his arms and took me to his bedroom.

He wanted to keep kissing me, but his duck, who was behind him,
made us fall in his bed.

We didn't sleep a lot this night, because we spend a lot of time having sex.

The next morning he hugged me and waked me up. "How you doin' " He said, and I laughed.

We went to the kitchen and had breakfast. He cooked me a boiled egg, which was delicious and then we went to the central perk.

It was all magical, but then suddenly Mike appeared to pick me up, because he thought, that I had spent the night at Rachel's doing a party with the girls. At least that's what I told him.

The point is, that I hadn't seen him at all and neither my friends, because I was going to sing a song on the stage.

I said that the song was for my true love and he thought it was for him, but in fact it was for Joey. I sang a song that I had composed the day we had our first kiss, all these years ago.

Mike figured out that the song was for Joey, because I was constantly looking at him and at the end, I gave him another kiss and we hugged each other.

He went as crazy as you only can imagine and ran furiously to us. "What are you doing?" He asked me. We were petrified, but I managed to answer him " I love Joey and not you! I was gonna tell you in another situation, but I guess you know it now."

He looked at me and said "And what about me? What about our marriage?" I started to cry and was getting confused about if I was doing the right thing " I love Joey not you. I only see you as a friend, but this doesn't mean I don't love you."

He took my hand and I started to shock "I don't want to be your friend Phoebe! I am your husband! And not Joey!"
Now he had pushed me to my limit. I understood him, but he was acting like he owned me. "You don't own me! How dare you to say this to me?" I took my hands to my head and cried more.

Joey tried to hug me, but I set him aside. "Don't touch me! Neither of you!" I said and ran to where Monica and Rachel were. They hugged me. "Honey, don't blame it on Joey. okey? He's more confused than you and he only want's you to feel better." Rachel begged me.

Chandler was talking with Joey and Ross was trying to argue with Mike to make him see, that it wasn't as bad as he thought.

I decided to speak to Mike again and said "I love you as a friend, I've said it to you before. Please listen!... And respecting our marriage, I lust you, but I don't think I love  you anymore. You are too serious for me, really, you might not understand it, but Joey is perfect for me."

Joey and I looked at each other and Mike started to get angrier.

At this exact moment, Gunther, making it even worse, went to him and said "F". We all started to laugh, because it was too funny, but I didn't mean it for bad.

However, Mike looked at me as he wanted to kill me or something. He was really angry and Monica tried to calm him down, "Mike, there are tons of woman out there and you don't have to be with Phoebe at all cost.." But he ran away screaming "I want the divorce!"

Then, Janice, who had seen it all from the outside came in screaming "!" and Chandler replied " Shut up!"

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