Chapter 16

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The crows flew in the mist above the abandoned mansion where the five knights lived back then. Nightmare woke up on the sound of the multiple crows who were shouting and screaming as if warning them of something huge or dangerous.

Moments later, Salem walked into the huge dusty room. He found Nightmare on a hammock hanging on the ceiling from one end to the other. In the corner slept Rosa with her hooked swords. Barmouth and Amelia slept on the huge bed at the end facing Rosa.

"Nightmare, I would like to go hunt some demons in a nearby battlefield." Hissed Salem. Suddenly, sounds of swords and screams were heard. Demonic voices were heard as well.

Rosa stood on her feet, opened her honey eyes, placed her hooked swords on her back. "I want to join Salem please, it sounds fun to hunt them down right?" Asked Rosa. Her voice indicated tiredness and exhaustion, even though her heart was excited.

Nightmare jumped out of her hammock and landed on her feet. She had this look in her eyes that had only intentions of hunting her kind and win the war against the heavens. "Battles like these we should take place in them. Reduce the number of demons for later. Better for our safety and less pain shortly." Announced Nightmare, shooting these words out of her mouth with a serious tone.

She grew hands that woke up Amelia and Barmouth. "It is still night leader! Just give me five more minutes." Announced Amelia, her eyes could not even open.

"Salem you said this region no one can enter it, how come gods and people and demons enter it now!?" Cried Barmouth. Salem was speechless, he did not know what to say. He was a bit in a confused state. Would he speak the truth that the heavens changed this dimension and placed it in a place where the gods, angels, and demons can walk freely? Or should he just say that he changed their place?

Nightmare could determine the situation Salem is in she could not see how he feels, however. So she just changed the subject and forced all of them to get out for battle. The weather was so misty. No light children, no sun, no moon. Only thick mist.

A couple of steps later, Salem looked behind but could not see where the mansion was. "Something isn't right, I sense a powerful man somewhere." Announced Salem, holding his scythe in a way that can attack anytime with no opening for the enemy to attack.

"Stay close!" Shouted Barmouth, casting a spell that chained every one of them together. "Not bad Mage." Complimented Nightmare, she then smiled in her face. It was really hard to see her smile but still

Salem stopped in her place and laughed in a very loud voice. "I like the way you play Goddess of Mist Emma!" "Duck!" Shouted nightmare as she lowered her head, followed by Barmouth, Rosa, and Amelia.

Salem waked his scythe, getting rid of the mist all around them. Everything was clear now. The magical chains were visible. The Abandoned Mansion was clear on the horizon, the sound of the clashing swords and slaughter. "You can undo the spell young mage. As for you Salem, one day or another, every god will test your ability before the war begins." Said a sound of a calm lady. The sound echoed in the land, so they could not pick the source of the sound.

"You guys go for the war and kill everyone who has a demon on his side. I will try and finish the battle with Emma." Said Salem with his eyes shining bright red. She grew hands, held them from their heads, and ran the way till they reached the end of a small hill. Nightmare's eyes rested on a perfect requiem.

Demons fighting each other. Heavily armored men with huge heavy swords. On each end was a king on each side stood an S-Rank Demon. They were familiar but not their names. "Nightmare, tell us who to hunt." Asked Amelia calmly.

She turned her body until her two heartbroken eyes met her blue flaming eyes. "Kill them all!" Said Nightmare, raising her scythe forward. "Thought so." Announced Rosa as she jumped and cut a demon's head with her hooked sword and jumped to the other and did the same thing.

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