chapter 8.

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trigger warning: (kind of, i don't know if this would count as a trigger but i'll include it.) underage drinking, kissing, and swearing.

your perspective-

You hair was gorgeously curled, ringlets falling just behind your ears. Your dress was a gorgeous mix of the same navy blue that Draco wore and other pigments of dark colours. Draco stared at you for a second or so then coughed, snapping into what seemed like reality. Your naturally blush coloured cheeks turned a hot red as he handed you a bouquet of deep purple flowers. "Oh thank you, Draco. They're gorgeous." He smiled at you as you set them into a glass. "Ready?" He offered his arm. You nodded and turned back to Fallon quickly. You mouthed, "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod." She smiled and turned to put her earring in. 

You and Draco stepped out of your dorm, you latching carefully onto him as you walked down the steep stone stairs. Heels were definitely not your shoes of choice, you been a complete klutz. You stepped a little narrow, stumbling. Draco's hand flew to your body, steading you. "You okay?" You kept his tight grip on you until you fully got your balance back. "Better now." You laughed a little as you stepped onto the even ground.


You and Draco had a quiet conversation as you walked through the halls. He did most of the talking however, boasting about his first quidditch game of the season coming up. Draco was the best player on the Slytherin team, besides the multiple injuries he encountered across the seasons. 

His first year of quidditch the bulgur came and hit him square. He took a bit to recover from that. 3rd, 4th, and 5th year he either went too far into the atmosphere and scared himself, or didn't correctly balance himself. 

Funny it was.


Around where the great hall is began to get louder. Teenagers filed into the large room which was now decorated throughly with jeweled decorations. Food plates and tables were scattered across the area of the great hall and of course, the great hall. "Let me find everyone, I'll be back." You patted Draco's arm quickly as he released yours from his. 

Cedric stood with Cho and more of their friends, you scaring him a little when you came up behind him. "Hey Ced," You stood by him. "Wow! Cho, you look great!" You said once her gorgeous dress caught your attention. "As do you! Where'd you get the dress?" She asked, smiling. "Oh this thing? It was my mother's. I think it looks nice." Cedric looked at you as well. "Not bad, Ellery." He laughed at your annoyed facial expression. "Real witty, Diggory. You look decent as well." You rolled your eyes.

"Where is your date?" Cho asked, standing a little closer to Cedric with a blush. "Oh- I don't kn-" You felt a cold hand run along your back. "Here." Draco smiled a little as Cho's mouth flew open. She mouthed to Cedric quickly, "Y/N and Malfoy?!" She turned back to you both with a smile. "Lovely! Both of you look great." Cho said, grabbing Cedric's hand. "We're going to get something to drink. Would you like anything?" You and Draco both shook your head, thanking her for the offer. 

Draco's hand still rested around your back. He whispered in your ear, "Come, I wanna show you to my friends." You smiled and turned pink yet again.

Draco's 'unintentional' charm was NOT going to get to you.



Pansy stood against Blaise, the boys next to them. "Hey, Draco." She stood up straight but scoffed when she saw Draco's arm around you. "Hey Y/N." Crabbe and Goyale both said. Draco looked at them. "What are you guys doing anyways? Do you not have dates or something?" Draco laughed a little at them but stopped when you elbowed him in the ribs. Blaise turned to you and Draco. "Party after the ball? Me and Goyale have plenty of the 'good stuff.'"

You weren't the drinker, but knew everyone else was going to be there. "I'm in," Draco said. Pansy and the boys both counted that they were in as well.  "How about you, Y/N? Are you going to come?" You nodded and Draco squeezed you a little. "Sick! We'll be in our old dorm, D. Meet us all there?" Blaise said. "Actually, Blaise. We're gonna come with you guys now." Draco looked over to you for approval as you shrugged.


Inside of Blaise and Goyale's dorm they had 3 beds and a couch. Their dorm was much, much bigger than yours, having a a whole living room area. "What's the extra bed for?" You asked Draco as you stepped down the stairs into the boys' dorm. "Oh, this was my dorm before my father bought me a private one. That was my bed." Draco sat down onto the empty bed and patted next to him. Everyone else sat on the couch with the alcohol as you and Draco began a conversation. 

Mid conversation Pansy called you both over with two yellow solo cups in her hands. "Try this, it's delicious." She handed the right glass to Draco as you shook your head. "Not much of a drinker, thank you though." Blaise turned around to you. "Seriosulyy? Just try it and if you don't like it I'll finish it." You looked at the glass and sighed. "I guess.." 

draco malfoy-

Everyone stood up after I completely tipped the glass upside down.

What can I say? Everyone likes alcohol at this age.

Pansy waited to drink hers until Y/N drank a bit of hers. Pansy walked a little closer to Y/N before hitting her shoulder. Y/N spun a little, her drinking a little more than what she planned to. I grabbed her shoulders to once again steady her before Pansy slammed her glass down, mumbling a cuss word. Pansy's face wiped white, her yelling a me to take Y/N to get water as fast as I could. 

I raised my eyebrow but did as she said. Maybe she got some on her dress?

I dunno.

I took the glass from Y/N and linked her arm onto mine. I led her into the bathroom and shut the door behind us. Y/N took a glass from the shelf which was conveniently bolted by the sink and filled it up with water. "Are you okay?" She set the glass down and turned to me. She smiled for a second and then grabbed my tie and brought me forward.

"Ellery, are you alrig-" I was cut off by her lips smashing into mine. I pulled her close to me.

I eventually brought my hands down to the waist and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and continued to kiss me, deeper and deeper each breath.

I have to admit, I didn't exactly know what was fully going on until she pulled away from me. Her breath and lips tasted of a sweet solution: a love potion.

This explained why she so suddenly kissed me and why Pansy had pushed her. Pansy was trying to get her to kiss Blaise, instead. I stepped beside Y/N and she began to walk. Her walk was anything from straight; an attempted straight line drawn from a 4 year old. She needed to lie down according to her shaky body posture. My dorm would be safest.

"Hey, hey, hey." I wrapped my hand around her before I opened the door. Pansy's eyes immediately flew to mine. I mouthed a quick, "Fuck you." and continued to my dorm.

falling for the wrong boy; draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now