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"Come on," I sulked "just one more." I held out my hand with a soft smile on my face as I waited for my drink.

"No Carter, that's enough."

"Please, I've only had like..." I trailed off trying to remember the amount of times a pretty boy put a drink in my hand tonight.

"Yeah, nope." I felt my feet swiftly moved out from underneath me as I was carried away to a new room. Everything was blurry and I could barely stand on my own. "Stay here, I'm going to get Luca and then we are leaving."

"M'kay" I mumbled as my eyes drifted shut. I slid down with my back against a wall and drifted into thought.

My eyes shot open when I realized that I was alone and could easily get back to the kitchen. I stood up, swinging the door open and made my way down the hall. I'm a stubborn drunk. The kind that when someone tells me no, I want whatever I can't have even more. As I pushed through the bodies in what I could only assume is the living room, I made my way to the bottle of Malibu that sat on the kitchen counter. I was very clearly on a mission, after only one thing, when a blur of grey- no silver stumbled back and into my pathway. My immediate reaction was to shove the obstacle and continue to my destination.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Suddenly the silver was talking to me. I shifted my tunnel vision to a pair of angry blue eyes.

"Sorry?" I say clearly unaware of what just happened.

She gestured down to her soaked shirt. "Watch where the fuck your going." Her eyebrows furrowed as I stood and connected the dots slowly but as quickly as my drunk brain would allow.

My first instinct was to jump to the defense, lightly shoving her shoulder again and pushing past her to go on my way. Just before I reached the bottle I had my eye on, my wrist was being pulled in the other direction. I turned around to see the silver hair and blue eyes glaring at me and waving? No- that's a fist.


"I don't know, I just found her like this and carried her out." I heard whispering coming from my left.

I slowly opened my eyes to see my sister, Luca, and my boyfriend, Drew, in what looked like a heated discussion.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Drew rubbed my thigh and reached down to take my hand.

"Like shit." I glared as I struggled to sit up straight.

"You look like shit." Luca mumbled as she rolled her eyes and held out a water bottle.

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?" I took a sip and winced at the pain coming from my mouth.

"Um, look at your face." She held up her phone camera to show my swollen purple eye and split lip.

"Shit!" I grazed my hand over my wounds.

"Exactly" She scoffed.

"What the hell happened? Was there a fight?" I panicked. I could not afford to get into yet another fight.

"No, no fight babe. I left you in an empty room to get Luca before we left and found you like this 15 minutes later in the kitchen. No one knows what happened."

"Yeah and now we are gonna get busted because your stupid ass had to start some shit or something."

I rolled my eyes and laid back down on the damp grass, just now observing my surroundings. The sun was barely out and the air was cold. I could hear music coming from the big white house a few feet behind me.

"Fuck, what time is it?" I shot up.

"It's almost 5:30."

"Shit." We all stood up in unison and headed towards Luca's car. I stumbled as they both wrapped there arms around me to hold me up.

"Ew they're having sex." My sister whispered as we pass the cars lined up on the street.

My curiosity getting the best of me, I turned to see which bozo from my school was getting laid, expecting a raunchy jock and petite cheerleader. Instead, I was met with a top knot and fair skin. She smirked as I stared in shock, realizing that the girl underneath her was my weird Chemistry partner. My eyes drifted from her dark hair up to the girl who I just barely remembered from earlier in the night. She furrowed her eyebrows and mouthed "fuck off" as I rolled my eyes and continued to my sisters white beetle just a few feet in front of the black challenger I had just peered in to.

I got in quickly and shut the door. As my sister drove home, my foggy memory became clearer as I thought about the girl with silver hair and pretty eyes. There were so many people everywhere. That was quite possibly the biggest party I've ever been to. I remember pushing through the crowed and accidentally spilling her drink on her shirt. She seemed upset with the way her forehead crinkled. I didn't think it was a big deal until she pulled me back towards her and... She fucking punched me. That bitch. My mouth fell open as I pondered the interaction alone in the back seat. I let out a huff at my realization and swung the car door open just before my sister put it in park.

"Damn, chill."

I stumbled around to the side of my house after lazily waving goodbye to the boyfriend that puts up with way too much of my shit. I climbed through my window, landing on my bed and shutting it behind me. My music played softly through my speaker as I took off my red doc martens and ripped skinned jeans, leaving me in my t shirt. I laid down and pulled my comforter over my head to sleep off the remainder of my bad decisions before I was forced to deal with the consequences.

RED (BILLIE EILISH)Where stories live. Discover now