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*ding* *ding* *ding*

"Ah fuck. Well anyways that's how I pictured the first visit to the moon going. Crazy shit." The silver haired girl stood, gathering her things and then looking down at me.

I sat, still taking in every subject that we had touched on during the hour long lunch period. I've never met a person with such endless streams of curiosity and thought happening inside of their head.

"So where's your next class?" She interrupted my thinking.

"Uh third floor, Chemistry." I grabbed my bag and followed her towards the door.

"No way, who do you have?"

"Uhh" I searched my paper for my teachers name, "Ms. Jones."

When I looked up, a content smile lay gently on her face. "Me too."

As we walked up the several flights of stairs through the sea of people, I found myself not dreading this next period. I sat next to the person I had been avoiding all day and she introduced me to a few people, all of whom seemed to really like her.

Through out the teacher lecturing about atoms, molecules, and ions, I would glance up from my notes occasionally to see the silver hair and blue eyes already looking at me. This girl is confusing as hell. I would have never pictured her to be so... I don't even know but not like this. At first she seemed hard and emotionless. I didn't like her. I still don't know if I do, but she's not as horrible as I thought.

At the end of the day, as I walked toward my bus, I felt a light touch on my shoulder once again.

She's persistent.

I turned, this time more open to what the interesting girl had to say.

"So do I get to know your name now?"

"Nope, sorry." I shrugged, this time letting a genuine smile peak through my tough exterior.

She sighed as I stepped in front of her to get on the bus, heading straight for a back seat. It wasn't long until she sat right next me, her eyes peering over at me. I ignored her and continued texting my sister about my first day.

"So what's your plan now? Like what are you doing?"  She leaned in towards me.

"I'm... going home." I chuckled and looked back down at my phone.

"So no plans then?"

"Uh no, I guess not."

"Hang out with me." I could feel her inching closer to me, almost begging for an answer.

"I can't."

"Yes you can. You don't want to, but you can. I promise I'm not as bitchy as you have me pictured in your head. Just hang out with me." Her eyes squinted as she waited for my response.

I felt a grin creep on my face involuntarily before I rolled my eyes. "Okay. Fine."

Her smile grew out of the corner of my eye as we approached the bus stop in my neighborhood.

"This is my stop." We both stood up.

"Mine too." She gestured for me to walk in front of her. "Okay so if we are going to be friends, I have to know your name." She raised her eyebrows.

"Who said I wanted to be your friend?" I raised my eyebrows back at her.

"Ouch. Now that just hurts." She placed a hand over her chest and shook her head.

I let out a small chuckle.

"So you're really not going to tell me?" She sped up and turned around to walk backwards in front of me.

RED (BILLIE EILISH)Where stories live. Discover now