She needed dirt.

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           A faint knock on the door almost caused Clarissa Dovey to spill her tea all over herself. She had just made this one! She sighed, put her cup of tea down, and briskly walked over to open the door.

           Standing there when she opened the door was a frantic Manley. "It's Sophie. The reader. She's gone!" He exclaimed.

           "Manley, she couldn't have vanished! Find her! And why are you telling me? Shouldn't you be talking to Lady Lesso?" Dovey questioned.

          "Well...the problem is that Lady Lesso vanished too."

      Dovey stared at Manley. "What?!"

          Five minutes later, Dovey was in the crime scene, aka, Lady Lesso's classroom. She was rummaging through the desks, looking for evidence that the new student could have done this.

      Sophie, Dovey thought in disgust. She was looking through drawers when an idea came to her.

        She closed everything and told Manley to keep looking for anything that could help them. The Dean followed the hallways until she was able to return to her school. She was going to see her new student, Agatha.

          The nymphs had not seen Agatha at all this morning. 'I'm going to be late for class' She thought to herself, and she marched to Agatha's room. Knocking faintly, the dean of good stood back, and waited patiently for Agatha to open the door.

     "Who is it?" A faint voice came from inside.

        "Hello dear, I have some questions about your friend that came with you here." Dovey stated.

     That certainly got the girl out of bed.

        The door opened slightly, only showing a slither of Agatha's face. "What did she do this time?" She asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"She's gone."

    WHAT??!! She's...dead???" Agatha's eyes welled up with tears. 

        "No no no. She's not dead, she has just disappeared." Dovey said quickly.

      "Oh." That's all Agatha said.

      "What were the questions that you wanted to ask me?" Agatha said after a couple of minutes.

         "Did Sophie ever mention adduction?" Dovey said bluntly.

      "Excuse me?" Agatha replied shocked.

        "Well one of the teachers that teaches Sophie, she disappeared at the same time that Sophie is gone. So I was wondering, because you seems to be her friend, would she adduct someone to get what she wants?" Dovey questioned.

       "Please, Sophie would never do anything like that! She screams when my cat brings a dead bird back inside, and you think that Sophie could adduct someone?" Agatha snorted.

         Dovey nodded, and almost left the hallway until she remembered that she had also to tell Agatha something else.

        "Agatha? Don't forget to go to class dear. The trail of tale is coming up and I believe that you would be able to win. You are smart dear. Use it." Dovey spun on her heel and walked off.

         Agatha sighed and closed the door to get ready for the day to come with doing 'good' things and learning to do good.


      Sophie was sweating, and that was never a good sign. She had been out in the blue forest for more that two hours, and it was getting tiring. It was annoying actually because she was only here on business. She was tailing lady Lesso. Sophie needed, NEEDED dirt on the Dean. Why? Because if she really wanted to get into the school for good, she was going to need blackmail.

       She would have consulted Aggie, but she couldn't figure out who to get into the other school. How Agatha got in, she had no idea. 

        She had followed the Dean to some sort of cave. The Dean had been in there for a while now. Sophie's plan was to go inspect what was in there after Lesso left. 

       Half an hour later, The Dean walked out of the cave, and it almost seemed like she was wiping tears away from her eyes.

        Sophie frowned and crouched lower behind her bush. She waited a couple more minutes, and then got up and stealthily walked towards the cave.

             As she got closer, she heard an odd noise. Sophie stopped, her eyes wide. It almost sounded like... crying. She started walking again, going more slowly than before. When she reached the cave, there were three holes. There was one the size of her closed fist, so she ruled that one out, one the size of her head, and the last one was the size of her body.

           She chose the third one, and crawled inside, muttering, "This will ruin my dress big time."

          The person that was crying must have heard her because they called out. "Hello? Mom is that you? Mom, did you come back? Mom?"

      Her eyes wide, Sophie took out a match from her only pocket , and lit it.

        The light illuminated a little boy with tear stains on his face and 'Aric' written on the cave wall over and over in chalk.

        Sophie smiled an evil smile and said, "This will do. This will do nicely."


Hello my dear readers!!  :)

Please comment, I'd love to see what you think!!


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