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Nya tried getting the door open desperate to escape before the others get there so they do not look like damsels in distress. Kai decided it was easiest if he just stayed sitting silently on the bed after he nearly fell out of the window and Nya had to drag him up.

"Nya it's not going to work," Kai said. "Well I don't know about you, but I am not waiting around to be rescued like a stupid old fashioned princess," Nya said. "Well it's not like I can do anything to help so I may as well wait around for Cole," Kai said laying back on the bed.

"Okay one just because your blind does not make you useless," Nya said. "And two you willingly admitted you want Cole to save you," Nya teases. Kai blushes. "N-no," he stutters. "No you did not say the team, you did not say the ninja, you said Cole," Nya teases. "Stop! La la la la!" Kai shouts covering his ears. "You want to be a damsel for your boyfriend!" Nya squeals. "Shut up! I am a strong ninja and does not need anyone to save me," Kai whines. "Aww your going to kiss him when he climbs the tower?" Nya giggles making Kai blush redder. "Nya s-sh-shut up!" Kai stutters.

"Kai's in love! Kai's in love! Kai and Cole sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Nya laughs as her brother tried hitting her only to hit the door and consistently break through it. "Ow," Kai groans. "What did I hit?" He asks. "You knocked the door down good for you," Nya laughs and helped him up. They travel down the stairs slowly because Kai tripped every other step. Once they got to the bottom Nya pulled Kai along the route they had gone to get to the tower.

To her confusion though it was not the same as before. "The witch must have changed it," she mutters. "Just go where you think is right," Kai said. Nya looked at a fork in the corridors and decided to try her luck and go left. The two walked down the hall before Kai pulled her to a stop. "Someone's coming," he whispers. Nya did not question it and went through the first door she saw.

To her horror though it was the throne room with the witch sitting in her chair looking at a mirror image of something. She looked at the two and smirked. "You really don't think the door just opened on its own with brute strength did you?" She asks and both siblings reach for weapons that were not there. "Then why did you let us out?" Nya asks. The witch shrugs. "Saved me having to fetch you," she smirks standing up. "Don't take a single step," Kai hisses. "Says the blind boy, but I think I'm gonna do you a favour," she said. "And what would that be?" Nya asks wary.

"Exactly what he asked for. To...shut....you....up,"

Cole and Jay

Cole and Jay tied food onto their horses so they would be able too travel faster.

"You will check in every night right?" Sensei Wu asks worried as he watched Cole and Jay make sure the horses were properly saddled. "Of course Sensei will you all be alright?" Jay asks. "We shall be fine Jay just bring home our captured comrades," Zane said. "We should be back in month or so. We'll update you every night," Cole said. "Good and I trust you shall find them both," Sensei Wu said. "And I'm sure Cole's finally going to get that smooch he's been wanting with Kai," Lloyd teased as Cole became bright red. "Lloyd! I am going to break your other leg," Cole yelled and the green ninja quickly made a small shield around himself which kept Cole from doing just that.

"Save your energy Cole," Sensei Wu advices. "Come on lets just go already," Jay said. Cole nodded and with one last goodbye to the others the pair climbed onto their horses and took off.

For the first hour of their journey it was a comfortable silence until Jay starts talking.

"Do you think they're okay? Or that this witch hasn't already eaten them? Or," Cole cut Jay's ramblings off. "Jay! Stop please let!s just focus on getting them back," Cole said and Jay quiets. It was now a uncomfortable silence and it only took two minutes before Jay started talking again.

Cole and Jay's fairytale romanceWhere stories live. Discover now