If You Pass

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Jay's POV

The tears have not come close to stopping as I cried. Why am I so unwanted? Why can't I be stronger like the others? Why did I have to be born so weak? Why couldn't I just be the perfect son my father wanted from me then mum would still be alive.

I feel the sadness consume me as I cried harder. Why? Why can't I be the one people want me to be?

What did that doctor even do with me? How did I even end of with my parents?

Something clicks in me as I think about my parents Ed and Edna Walker. They always loved and accepted me for me even when I did not turn out like them and run the junkyard they never stopped me from being what made me happy like Cole's dad Lou did. They would always worry about me and ask me so many questions and smother me, but I always liked it. They always listened to me when I was bullied for being weak. Even when I had found out about being adopted during the whole Nadakhan thing I always thought of them as my parents never even questioned it for a moment.

"Cliff was never my dad," I whispered a feeling growing in my chest that I did not understand.

Suddenly a door appears in front of me. I opened it and walked through it. I looked around and saw it was a stormy night raining and pitch black save for the small light coming from a top a pile of junk. I looked around and was surprised to see I was at the junkyard only it was quiet and the lights were all turned off. It must be late then because the lights automatically turn off after 9:00 pm. A figure appears through the rain with a basket loosely covered by a blue cloth. They took the basket to a rickety pile and set it among the junk. I saw that the figure was that doctor from before as he put a key in my basket crib and chucked some other stuff out and I saw it was official stuff saying that I existed. He threw a key in the basket too.

"Your father said to get rid of the house he found out you were a disappointment," The doctor said and with that left leaving the baby me alone in the dark storm. Another flash of thunder happens and the baby me started crying as the winds became stronger and the infant me cries louder.

A pile of junk falls over from the rain scaring me and making me jump. Suddenly the lights from the trailer turn on and after a moment the door swings open and there's a flashlight shining through the darkness. I saw younger versions of my parents standing at the door way looking around. "You sure we can't just wait till morning Ed? I'm sure it did not hit anything important," Mum said rubbing her tired eyes with a yawn. "Just want to be sure dear," Dad said and pulled on his night robe leaving in the direction of the crash not hearing my cries over the thunder. I watched my father go in the opposite way of where I was when there was suddenly a giant flash of lightning hitting the pile of junk I was by.

Both my parents jumped in surprise and looked in that direction and that's when I saw it on their faces they heard my cries. "Ed do you hear that?" Mum asks my dad who nodded speechless. My mum bolts from the trailer as my dad yelled after her following.

"Oh Ed give it here," Mum snatched the flashlight from my dad and shined it around. It landed on the crib and my mother rushes to it despite my father's yells. She looked in the crib and gasps seeing me in there. "Ed! It's a baby!" She yelled. "What?! Edna are you sure?" Dad came over and shined the flashlight making the baby me cry and mum swatted it away. "Careful Ed his eyes," Edna said and Dad rubbed the back of his neck sheepish. My mother quickly picked up my basket and with dad's help they carried the basket back inside just before that pile of junk collapsed, but they clearly did not care. They got inside the trailer and Mum took me out of the basket and I quiet in her arms.

"Oh Ed look at him isn't this the most precious beautiful baby you have ever seen?" Mum asks and dad looked at me smiling. "Sure is Edna who ever abandoned him is heartless," Dad said putting a hand on my head gently. "Wonder what his name is?" Mum asks. Dad looked at my blanket and found a tag. "Jay," he said. Mum smiles kissing my head gently. "Jay I like that name," she said still smiling at me like dad.

Cole and Jay's fairytale romanceWhere stories live. Discover now