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Cole and Jay returned to the bounty solemn. The horses were slow and tired from the running they had done and did not care for the sudden change of owners. Once back at the bounty the others left could see that the bandits had successfully gotten away with the siblings.

"What are we going to do? Whatever that witch does with them it is not going to be pretty," Lloyd said trying to get up only to cry out in pain and had to sit back down on the grass. Zane was also not in a good condition with half his arm torn out and he was assessing the damage which was nothing that could not be fixed, but still bad enough with his leg also having been damaged. Sensei Wu was over all alright, but worried for his nephew who worked to support him as he limped back into the bounty with the others.

"We need to go and find them," Lloyd said as his uncle Wu bandaged his wound. Jay checked on Zane's circuits assessing the damage to get his mind off his worry for his girlfriend. "Okay I can fix this, but it's going to take a few days," Jay said. "We don't have that type of time Kai and Nya are in trouble now," Cole said. Sensei Wu sat back in his chair thinking for a moment.

"Cole and Jay you two shall go and rescue your captured team mates," Sensei Wu said. "What?" They both yelled. "But what about Lloyd and Zane?" Cole asks. "We are injured we would only slow you down and healers tea is not going to heal me quick enough ," Lloyd said having to accept the fact he was pretty useless for the situation. "But I need to fix Zane," Jay said. "I can do the repairs myself brother. Kai and Nya's safety takes action," Zane said.

"But we don't even know where this witch is," Cole said. "The villagers nearby must. Tomorrow we shall go and look for some answers," Sensei Wu said. "Tomorrow? But," Jay began. "It is late no one would talk if it is night for fear of who or what lurks in the shadows. They will be fine Jay, Cole you must have faith the ones you love will be fine. They have each other after all," Sensei Wu said. "Wait you knew about my crush on Kai?" Cole asks and everyone laughed. "Dude the only person who did not know was Kai," Lloyd laughed as Cole's face became bright red. "Yeah even I knew and I am usually incapable of picking up those gestures," Zane smiles and Cole becomes redder even stuttering a bit.

The remaining ninja went to bed with that laugh, but did nothing to cool their nerves or worries.

The next morning

The ninja and Sensei did not get a very good sleep having nightmares of Kai and Nya in danger or being tortured, Jay and Cole getting the worst of it. They both longed for the siblings to be safe and hoped that they were alright, but even with the knowledge of having each other and their powers it did nothing to sooth their nerves.

They made due for the town as soon as possible with Lloyd hobbling behind on crutches they kept on the bounty along with Sensei Wu and Zane who had covered his missing arm with a robe and used a stick he found lying around for support as they arrived at the village. The place was deserted compared to the other day with windows and such boarded up. Confused Sensei Wu walked over and knocked on one of them. They saw the shadow of someone look through a hole in the boarded up windows before unlocking their door and peeking their nose out a little.

"You need to hide the witch's bandits have been seen," they warn. "We know they took our friends. Please we need your help do you know where we can get answers about her?" Sensei Wu pleads with the stranger who was quiet. "Go to the old house at the end of the road," they said before slamming the door shut in the old man's face.

Though odd the ninja walked down to the directions given and came across the only house not boarded up. It was not creepy or anything and seemed like any other house in the village. It was made of stone with wooden supports and the windows could use a good washing.

Cole and Jay's fairytale romanceWhere stories live. Discover now